Sterbenz-Ryan Education Foundation is pleased to offer scholarship program named as “Sterbenz-Ryan Scholarship” that is administrated by Scholarship America. High school seniors, high school graduates, or current postsecondary undergraduates residing in...
The Foundation for Global Sports Development is pleased to offer “Exceptional Youth Scholarship”. To be eligible you must be a high school senior at the time of application (Graduating class of 2017). The scholarship recognizes youth who have...
Buenas Opiniones is glad to offer its annual Latino scholarships named as “Buenas Opiniones Latino scholarships”. This scholarship is for graduating Latino high school seniors or currently enrolled college undergraduate or graduate...
The Jack & Jill of America Foundation is prepared to assist in funding African Americans’ pursuit of higher education through this “The Jack and Jill of America Foundation Scholarship”. Scholarship Program is available to current...
At the University of Washington, the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards offers the Martin Family Foundation Honors Scholarship.The program is open to all students who are currently attending or have attended a community college in the state of...
Alure Home Improvements Company pleased to announce a scholarship program “Alure Home Improvements Scholarship”. The applicant must be an incoming undergraduate freshman must maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time of their application to...