IPM Crop Scouting Competition

IPM Crop Scouting Competition

The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Pest Management program is hosting the sixth annual Crop Scouting Competition for Iowa Youth. The purpose of the contest is to provide students an opportunity to learn crop scouting and principles of IPM for...
Wing Srop Scholarship

Wing Srop Scholarship

Rick Ross, rapper, and franchiser has announced a partnership with the Wingstop Foundation to award scholarships to young people from urban areas, as well as Wingstop employees. The nonprofit will give grants to groups working to stop students from dropping out...
The StepUp to Higher Education Regents’ Scholarship

The StepUp to Higher Education Regents’ Scholarship

The StepUp to Higher Education has put forward “Regents’ Scholarship Program” for Utah high school students to prepare for college academically and financially by taking a core course of study and saving for college. The Regents’ Scholarship...
Spokeo Connections Scholarship

Spokeo Connections Scholarship

Spokeo Inc. is pleased to announce Spokeo Connections Scholarship. Either a recently graduated high school seniors or a student currently enrolled on a full-time basis at an accredited four-year or two-year college or university is eligible to apply. Submit an essay...
AlphaCard Scholarship Program

AlphaCard Scholarship Program

Are you a motivated student who wants to succeed? Do you have something important to say? If you answered “yes,” then AlphaCard encourages you to apply for the scholarship program. If you’re a current high school senior, college student, or...

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