The American Nuclear Society Scholarship Program

The American Nuclear Society Scholarship Program

The American Nuclear Society wants to reward its members for their academic, services and leadership excellence. That’s why they are offering scholarships to qualified student members of ANS Student Sections who have demonstrated a high commitment to the...
BBB Student Video Contest

BBB Student Video Contest

BBB serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin is hosting the 2017 Student Video Contest as a means to advance trust in the community. BBB serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin (BBB Austin) is the local host of the...
WCL Human Rights Essay Award

WCL Human Rights Essay Award

The Human Rights Essay Award is an annual competition  that is sponsored by the Washington College of Law and it seeks to stimulate the production of scholarly work in international human rights law. Candidates, who have a law degree and have demonstrated...
AFA Teens College Scholarship Essay Contest

AFA Teens College Scholarship Essay Contest

In a further effort to provide an outlet for teenagers to express their thoughts about Alzheimer’s disease and to engage the younger generation in this cause, Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) is pleased to offer the AFA Teens for...
U.S. Presidential Scholars Program

U.S. Presidential Scholars Program

U.S. Presidential Scholars Program is being offered by U.S. Department of Education. Graduates or diploma receivers who are U.S. citizens or legal permanent U.S. resident, considered to be eligible. Aim of U.S. Presidential Scholars Program to recognize and honor...
2016 FDMHA Essay Scholarship Contest

2016 FDMHA Essay Scholarship Contest

  The Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association (FDMHA) has announced the kickoff of its annual Essay Scholarship Contest for 2016. FDMHA organizes the essay contest is intended to empower talented young people and to honor the life and legacy of...

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