Minority Affairs Committee’s Scholarship Awards

Minority Affairs Committee’s Scholarship Awards

  The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is pleased to offer “Minority Affairs Committee’s Scholarship Awards” for Incoming College Freshmen. Be a high school graduates during the current academic year and be members of a...
Ryan Seacrest’s the House Sweepstakes

Ryan Seacrest’s the House Sweepstakes

Ever done something totally insane for your kid? Describe that here and you could score $100,000. Premiere Networks, Inc.is pleased to introduce you “Ryan Seacrest’s The House Sweepstakes”. Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the fifty (50)...
American Bar Association RPTE Student Writing Contest

American Bar Association RPTE Student Writing Contest

The American Bar Association is giving you chance to apply for this “RPTE student writing contest”. Over the age of 18, who is currently attending an ABA-accredited law school within the United States and its possessions can participate in this...

Apply for College Scholarship Online

If you are looking for college scholarships or ways to finance your education, but you tired from download and fill out many applications and want to online application process! Then, you have come to right place. Here a variety of online scholarships available for...
Tech Briefs Create the Future Design Contest

Tech Briefs Create the Future Design Contest

Submit your best new product designs today for a chance to win $20,000, other great prizes, and global recognition. There’s no cost to enter….and everything to gain. Enter in this “Create the Future Design Contest” that is sponsored by...

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