An International GRHS Essay Contest is sponsored by the Germans from Russia Heritage Society. The contest is intended to encourage students from around the world to learn about the history and culture of the German-Russians, people who emigrated from Germany into...
McGill University’s Faculty of Law and the Peter MacKell Chair in Federalism are proud to announce the creation of the Baxter Family Competition on Federalism. The overarching goal of this prestigious bi?annual essay competition is to advance research and...
Have an opinion on United States Political Affairs? Want to share your thoughts for a chance at up to $2500? Enter in Americanism Educational Leaders Collegiate Essay Contest as it is a perfect opportunity for undergraduate students to express their equally strong...
At Brian Zeiger LLC, they understands the rising cost of higher education has become increasingly more difficult to manage, and student loan debt is at an all-time high that’s why in an effort to help students meet their financial needs, The Zeiger Firm is...
The military trial lawyers of Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC believe that a quality education is one of the most valuable assets for young students today. For this reason, they are pleased to announce scholarship program to the students who plan on pursuing a...