Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments Scholarship

Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments Scholarship

The Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments (DEED) Board at American Public Power Association is now offering four types of scholarships named as Educational Scholarships, Student Internship, Student Research Grant, and Technical Design Project...
Res Artis Recalibrated Institution Fellowship

Res Artis Recalibrated Institution Fellowship

Res Artis provide a 12-week paid fellowship and laboratory in Miami named as “The Recalibrated Institution Fellowship”. Fellowship is open to practitioners from anywhere working in contemporary art, design, architecture and related disciplines,...
Kent State University Global Diversity Scholarship

Kent State University Global Diversity Scholarship

The Kent State University’s mission is to transform lives and communities through the power of discovery, learning and creative expression in an inclusive environment. That’s why they are pleased to announce the Global Diversity Scholarship. The program...
Belin Arts Scholarship Program

Belin Arts Scholarship Program

Peter Belin established the Belin Arts Scholarship, in memory of his father F. Lammot Belin. Award applicants must have resided in Northeast Pennsylvania at some point in their lives and must provide evidence that their chosen field is intended to be his or her...
Vermont State Nurses Foundation Scholarships

Vermont State Nurses Foundation Scholarships

  The Vermont State Nurses Foundation establishes three scholarships named as The Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. Scholarship, Pat & Frank Allen Scholarship, Judy Cohen Scholarship. If you are a registered nurse (RN) and enrolled in the nursing...

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