The Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles and the Violence Policy Center are announcing the second annual Tony Borbon Youth Scholarship Video Contest. The Scholarship is named after Tony Borbon, firefighter and activist. High school students in Los...
The Munster Literature Centre is offering The Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition. This is an annual short story competition open to writers from around the world, and it is dedicated to one of Ireland’s most accomplished story writers and...
The military trial lawyers of Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC believe that a quality education is one of the most valuable assets for young students today. For this reason, they are pleased to announce scholarship program to the students who plan on pursuing a...
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has put forward its Logo Competition for the International people who are above 18 years of age. They are looking for creative people who will give a “face” to the year. They seek a logo that translates the value of...
The Sunday Times EFG Short Story Award is an international award and the world’s richest prize for a single short story. The award is open to any novelist or short story writer from around the world who is published in the UK. The aim of this international...
The Human Rights Essay Award is an annual competition that is sponsored by the Washington College of Law and it seeks to stimulate the production of scholarly work in international human rights law. Candidates, who have a law degree and have demonstrated...