The General Prize Essay Contest invites you to “dare to write in order to advance the professional, literary, and scientific understanding of sea power and other issues critical to national defense.” The contest is open to all persons eligible for...
The South Carolina Education Association encourages students across the state to join their historic 50 Year Anniversary & Celebration by taking part in their FIRST EVER “Unity in Education” Essay Contest. SCEA is the professional association for...
An International GRHS Essay Contest is sponsored by the Germans from Russia Heritage Society. The contest is intended to encourage students from around the world to learn about the history and culture of the German-Russians, people who emigrated from Germany into...
McGill University’s Faculty of Law and the Peter MacKell Chair in Federalism are proud to announce the creation of the Baxter Family Competition on Federalism. The overarching goal of this prestigious bi?annual essay competition is to advance research and...
Pacific Legal Foundation is pleased to announce its Law Student Writing Competition. The contest is open to law students in United States. PJA generates scholarship to support constitutional litigation and promotes understanding of our civic institutions among the...
Entries are now being accepted for the 7th Annual Space Foundation International Student Art Contest. Each year, the Space Foundation International Student Art Contest invites students, ages 3 – 18, from around the world to submit original artwork based on a...