WGA Celebrate the West High School Art Competition

WGA Celebrate the West High School Art Competition

The Western Governors’ Association is pleased to announce the second year of “Celebrate the West”, a regional art competition that challenges high school students to create works inspired by their state. WGA provides an effective platform for...
Economic Club Essay Contest

Economic Club Essay Contest

The Economic Club of Grand Rapids is offering “39th Annual ECONOMIC CLUB Essay Contest” co-sponsored by GVSU-Seidman College of Business. The contest is available to all area high school students. The mission of theEconomic Club of Grand Rapids is to...
Jewish War Veterans National Achievement Programs

Jewish War Veterans National Achievement Programs

Would you like to get a free scholarship to help in your education? The Jewish War Veterans of the USA is pleased to sponsors National Achievement Program. The contest is open to service members and veterans, who plan to attend or are currently attending an accredited...
World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest

World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest

The World of 7Billion is pleased to announce the Student Video Contest for all middle and high school students from anywhere in the world. The student can win cash prizes by creating a short video on a global challenge impacted by population growth.  The program...
Live Deliberately Essay Contest

Live Deliberately Essay Contest

The Walden Woods Project & Thoreau Institute is offering Live Deliberately Essay Contest to youth students aged 14 – 21 around the world. The Project achieves its mission through the integration of conservation, education, research, and advocacy. The...
The Meldon Law College Scholarship Essay Contest

The Meldon Law College Scholarship Essay Contest

College can be expensive, and students are very often ending up with tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debts that can follow them around for years. For this reason, Meldon Law is pleased to offer College Scholarship Essay Contest for all students who are...

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