World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest

The World of 7Billion is pleased to announce the Student Video Contest for all middle and high school students from anywhere in the world. The student can win cash prizes by creating a short video on a global challenge impacted by population growth.  The program has developed age-appropriate curricula to complement students’ science and social science instruction about human population trends and their impacts on natural resources, environmental quality and human well-being. The winners of the video contest will receive a different – different cash prizes among their eligibility of applicants.

Population Education, a program of Population Connection, is the only national program with a strong emphasis on curriculum and professional development for K-12 educators that focuses on human population issues.


All applicants must be:

  • Any middle or high school student (grade 6-12, or the international equivalent) is free to enter.
  • Students may be located anywhere in the world.

How to Apply:

  • Create a short video – up to 60 seconds – about human population growth that highlights one of the following global challenges: Climate Change, Ocean Health, or Rapid Urbanization. All videos must include:
  1. How population growth impacts the issue and
  2. At least one idea for a sustainable solution
  • Consider narrowing your focus by concentrating on a subtheme within your topic. Possible subthemes include:
  1. Climate Change – weather events and patterns, impact on
    agriculture, impact on coastal cities, human health, ecosystem disruption
  2. Ocean Health – overfishing, coral bleaching, climate regulation, habitat loss, pollution, dead zones
  3. Rapid Urbanization – sprawl, sanitation, air and water quality, megacities, migration, slums and informal settlements

Supporting Documents:

You can fill the entries & submit your video through the given link:

Submitting Details: 

You can submit complete application packet at:

Scanned/emailed to

Faxed to: 202-332-2302


Mailed to: World of 7 Billion contest,

2120 L Street NW #500,

Washington, DC 20037.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Awards will be presented as follows:

  • Challenge topic: “Climate Change”
  • Challenge topic: “Rapid Urbanization”
  • Challenge topic: “Ocean Health”

Four winners will be chosen for each challenge topic as the High School Level.

  • First Place: $1000
  • Second Place: $500
  • Honorable mentions: $250

Two winners will be chosen for each challenge topic at the Middle School Level.

  • First Place: $500
  • Runner-up: $250

Application Deadline:

All entries must be uploaded by 5:00 pm (Eastern Time, US) on Thursday, February 23, 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have any question, email at


Call at 800-767-1956

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