Discover Student Loans Scholarship

Discover Student Loans Scholarship

  Do you want to win $2,500 that can be helpful to pay for your college education? Discover Student Loans has announced the Scholarship (the “Sweepstakes) that is sponsored by the Student Loan Corporation. The program is available to high school...
ACEC/MA Education Corporation Presidents’ Scholarship

ACEC/MA Education Corporation Presidents’ Scholarship

The ACEC/MA Education Corporation (ACEC/MA EC) created the Presidents’ Scholarship to help celebrate ACEC/MA’s 50th anniversary by giving back to their community. Students must be entering their junior, senior, fifth, or master’s degree year to be...
Women of Distinction Network’s Scholarship

Women of Distinction Network’s Scholarship

The Woman of Distinction Network Organization is proud to announce its annual scholarship program for senior level high school student or for those who are already attending a technical college or four-year institution. The organization will provide positive...
National FFA Scholarships

National FFA Scholarships

A lot of Scholarships are sponsored by businesses and individuals through the National FFA Foundation and given for a wide variety of experiences, career goals, and higher education plans. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their...
Davidson Fellows Scholarship

Davidson Fellows Scholarship

  The Davidson Institute is awarding scholarships to extraordinary young people of U.S. who are 18 years or under. The Davidson Institute is looking for students whose projects are at, or close to, the college graduate level with a depth of knowledge in...

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