William T. Grant Foundation Research Grants

The William T. Grant Foundation’s mission focuses on supporting research to improve the lives of young people in the United States. Hence the Foundation is pleased to announce Research Grants to eligible organizations and principal investigators. The foundation support high-quality research that is relevant to policies and practices that affect the lives of young people ages 5 to 25 in the United States.The Foundation funds research that increases our understanding of (1) programs, policies, and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes, and (2) strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth.

The William T. Grant Foundation was founded in 1936, has worked to further the understanding of human behavior through research.The Foundation provided support to Hampstead Clinic in London, then under the direction of Anna Freud.


  • Research project advances the Foundation’s interests in understanding programs, policies, and practices that reduce inequality or improving the use of research evidence.
  • The research project has compelling relevance for programs, policies, and practices affecting youth ages 5-25 in the U.S.
  • Funds primarily support research activities, not intervention or service costs.
  • The applicant is employed by a tax-exempt organization.
  • Eligible Organizations: Grants are made to organizations, not individuals. Grants are limited, without exception, to tax-exempt organizations. A copy of the Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt status determination letter is required from each applying organization.
  • Eligible Principal Investigators: Institutions usually have their own eligibility criteria regarding who can act as Principal Investigator (PI) on a grant. This often excludes graduate students. Graduate students can, however, be listed as Co-Principal Investigators.

How to Apply:

To apply for the research grant, the applicant must submit online application through the given link: https://easygrants.wtgrantfoundation.org/WTG/Implementation/Modules/Login/LoginModuleContent.aspx?Config=LoginModuleConfig&Page=Login

Supporting Documents:

The application process for all research grants begins with a letter of inquiry (LOI). Letters of inquiry for research grants and Officers’ Research grants are accepted three times per year (in the winter, spring, and summer).

Letters of inquiry for research grants must include the following:

  • Project Information
  • Brief Description of the Project (1,500 characters maximum)
  • Project Narrative (five pages maximum)
  • Curriculum Vitae, Biographical Sketch, or Resume (one-page maximum)

In addition to the above requirements, letters of inquiry for Officers’ research grants must include the following:

  • Budget
  • Budget Justification Form
  • IRS Tax-Exempt Status Determination Letter

Financial Aid and Award Money:

  • Research grants about reducing inequality typically range between $100,000 and $600,000 and cover two to three years of support.
  • Research grants about improving the use of research initiative will range between $100,000 and $1,000,000 and cover two to four years of support.
  • This shift to a million dollar ceiling reflects our renewed commitment to this focus area and our interest in funding bold, large-scale studies to significantly advance the field.
  • Projects involving secondary data analysis are at the lower end of the budget range, whereas projects involving new data collection and sample recruitment can be at the higher end.
  • Proposals to launch experiments in which settings (e.g., classrooms, schools, and youth programs) are randomly assigned to conditions sometimes have higher awards.
  • For smaller projects, they have a separate funding mechanism, Officers’ Research grants. These awards cover budgets up to $50,000. Some are stand-alone projects that fit our research focus areas; others build off of larger projects. Junior scholars of color are encouraged to apply for these grants as a way to build their research programs.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline is August 2, 2017, 3:00 PM EST.

Link for More Information:


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