
The Victoria County Master Gardener Association Scholarship is for the Victoria and adjacent county (Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson, Lavaca, Refugio) college student. The scholarship is for those students who have completed at least 60 credit hours toward an undergraduate degree or for those who are pursuing a graduate level degree.


To be eligible for the Victoria County Master Gardener Association Scholarship, the candidates must:

  • Have graduated from a Victoria or adjacent county high school (Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson, Lavaca, and Refugio). If homeschooled, you must have been a resident of Victoria or adjacent county at least one year prior to graduating
  • Currently enrolled as a full-time student
  • Carry a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA for course work completed as of the date of this application
  • Have successfully completed 60 semester hours of undergraduate college work
  • Graduate applicants must have already been accepted to a graduate program
  • Are pursuing an agriculturally related degree with the intent to pursue a career in an agriculturally related field

How to Apply:

Interested candidates can apply for this scholarship by filling the form and submitting the following documents at the address of Victoria County Master Gardener Association.

  • Complete the application as completely as possible in the space provided in the form, except for the essay portion.
  • An essay stating your colligate involvement, work history, career plans, and personal history is required. Maximum length must be – 3 pages (12 pt)
  • Attach a copy of college transcript(s) and letter of acceptance into Graduate school
  • Attach a copy of resume and/ or curriculum vitae

Application deadline:

Interested candidates can apply for the scholarship till June 1, 2015.


One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to the winning candidate.

Link to Apply:–scholarship


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