The10 Day Dreams Summer Camp Scholarship

Looking to continue your filmmaking life in the summer? You have a great opportunity to participate in the 10 Day Film Challenge. The Challenge is funded by the non-profit Arts EqualityMinority and/or Female students can apply for this program. The 10 Day Dreams Initiative is designed to help close the achievement gap in the film industry for all minority and female filmmakers. Total Camp Value: $3000 – $4000 (depending on location) which is offered by them.

Founded by educators with over 75 combined years in Television and Film Production education and administration, the 10 Day Film Challenge is a competition that is ideal for the 21st Century classroom. The mission of the parent non-profit Arts Equality that supports the 10 Day Film Challenge is to provide all students with a free, comprehensive, fair and competitive outlet for their work.


Minority and/or Female students who are current 10 Day Film Challenge participants with a desire to learn advanced filmmaking and be willing to live on-campus for 1-week in a city of their choice.

How to Apply:

  • If you are interested in applying, you can download the application form through the given link:
  • Applicants must create a short, 1-minute testimonial video describing an experience you’ve had with filmmaking and how it impacted your filmmaking life.


Supporting Documents:

Have the following ready before you complete this application.

  • Video production’ teacher letter of recommendation that discusses your ‘experience and dedication to filmmaking’. No more than 1 page, please.
  • Other teacher/staff/guidance counselor letter of recommendation that discusses your overall character as a student (including but not limited to behavior, attendance, discipline, etc…)  No more than 1 page, please.
  • parent contact information and yearly household income (income may or may not be one of many factors in determining scholarship)

Financial Aid and Award Money:     

Total Camp Value: $3000 – $4000 (depending on location) $250 travel and additional expenses voucher supplied by the 10 Day Film Challenge upon attendance at camp.

Application Deadline: 

The deadline for the submission of application is Sunday, May 7, 2017 (11:59 pm).

Link for More Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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