The Melodic Soloing Scholarship

The Melodic Soloing Scholarship is available to newly enrolling student (U.S. or non-US citizens) in the Associate of Arts (Guitar) program. The scholarship program encourages and supports the educational growth of a newly enrolling Associate of Arts (Guitar) program student. The scholarship is generously funded by an MI Guitar Program alumnus.

Musicians Institute (MI) was founded in 1977 and it is focused on building creative skills and providing all the tools students need to develop careers as musicians and music industry professionals. MI is a College of Contemporary music offering a variety of educational programs in Hollywood, California.


  • Newly enrolling AA (Guitar) students only
  • U.S. citizen and non-U.S. citizen
  • Awardees must maintain enrollment at 12 units (full-time status) during the full length of award period. Failure to maintain enrollment and satisfactory academic progress in AA (Guitar) program for the full duration of the scholarship may result in withdrawal of the award.

How to Apply:

For applying the scholarship, the candidates must complete a Melodic Soloing Scholarship application form. The link is:

Supporting Material:

Submit a video recording (DVD format only) of you performing three (3) songs that clearly demonstrate your improvisational melodic soloing abilities in any genre on the electric and/or acoustic guitar. Applicants are required to include three (3) live ensemble (band or duo) performances.

Submitting Detail:

The application material must be submitted in a complete package and mailed via U.S. Postal Service to:

Musicians Institute Scholarship Department 6752

Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028

Award Amount:

$1,500.00 tuition credit ($1,500.00 for the first quarter of the program as long as the recipient maintains satisfactory progress).

Application Deadline:

The application deadline is August 28, 2015

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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