The Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is proudly announcing Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award to exceptional young musicians who demonstrate financial need. The award is available for classical instrumentalists, vocalists, and composers (ages 8-18) who have not yet entered college and have an interest in performing on From the Top. The young artists who will win this award get an opportunity to perform on the Top’s national broadcasts. Winners will be awarded up to $10,000 to help offset the often prohibitively expensive costs of studying classical music at a high level.

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is a private, independent foundation dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need. The Foundation supports exceptional students from elementary school to graduate school through scholarships, grants, direct service, and knowledge creation and dissemination.


The list eligibility criteria are given below:

  • Applicants must have the strong musical ability and a willingness to perform on our NPR show.
  • Applicants must provide evidence of a family income insufficient to meet the costs of his/her musical pursuits (new instruments, music lessons, summer festival tuition, and travel, etc.). 90% of their past recipients come from families with an annual household Adjusted Gross Income of under $60,000. Other factors may apply (cost of living, medical expenses, and dependents).
  • Applicants must possess strong scholastic achievement indicated by good grades, academic awards, and strong test scores.
  • Applicants must demonstrate drive, initiative, maturity, leadership, and a commitment to giving back to one’s community.

How to Apply:

To be entering in Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award, the candidates must sign in through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

  • Applicants will be asked to upload at least two unedited, un-enhanced video or audio samples of their music.
  • Required two recommendations – one from an academic teacher and one from a music teacher. You will be asked to provide contact information for them, and they will receive recommendation forms via the online application.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Young Artists will receive up to $10,000 in financial support, national exposure through a performance on one of From the Top’s radio broadcasts, and participation in their Arts Leadership Program.

Application Deadline:

The deadline for submission of the Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award applications is March 1, 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have any questions, you can e-mail or call (617) 437-0707 x121.


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