The Foundation for Sight & Sound Scholarships

The Foundation for Sight & Sound (FSS) is proud to offer scholarships for high school seniors who are either hard of hearing, visually impaired, or blind. The purpose of this scholarship is to help students with visual challenges reach their full potential. This will further allow the students to build confidence and self-esteem as they prepare to begin their college or vocational school education. One recipient will be selected from each category to receive an award of $1000.

The Foundation for Sight& Sound (FSS) is a registered 501C3 not-for-profit organization. Their mission is to enhance the quality of life for men, women, and children with vision and/or hearing impairments.


This scholarship is open nationally

  • To high school seniors who are considered totally blind. The interpretation of this is someone who has no light perception and considered a person who cannot see.
  • To high school seniors who are considered legally blind and have low vision or are visually impaired, requiring the use of visual aid(s), other than the use of eyeglasses, in their daily life.
  • To high school seniors who have a hearing loss, which requires the use of hearing aid(s) in their daily life.

How to Apply:

In order to apply, candidates can check  the given links to download the application:

Supporting Documents:

Essay: all essays must be between 500-1500 words, single-spaced in 12-point Arial font with 1” margins.Additional documents required with the essay:

  • Blind Student
  1. Photo of applicantA letter signed by Ophthalmologist/Optometrist
  2. A letter signed by Ophthalmologist/Optometrist stating level of blindness.
  3. Letter of Determination of Legally Blind Status from State and/or Federal Government
  4. Copy of college or vocational school acceptance letter (if received)
  5. A signed photo release form (if student is a minor, then form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian). It is requested parents sign one as well.
  6. Two (2) letters of reference.
  • Visually-Impaired Student
  1. Photo of applicant
  2. Copies of student’s complete eye examination, including a field of vision test,signed by the licensed practitioner. Test must show vision of 2200 acuity corrected or worse in better eye or less than 20 degrees visual field.
  3. Letter of Determination of Legally Blind Status from State and/or FederalGovernment.
  4. Copy of college or vocational school acceptance letter (if received)
  5. A signed photo release form (if student is a minor, then form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian). It is requested parents sign one as well
  6. Two (2) letters of reference
  • Hard-of-Hearing Student
  1. Photo of applicant
  2. A copy of student’s Hearing Instruments Evaluation, no more than 3 months old
  3. Medical clearance signed by an ENT
  4. Copy of college or vocational school acceptance letter (if received)
  5. A signed photo release (if student is a minor, then form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian). It is requested parents sign one as well.
  6. Two (2) letters of reference.

Submitting Details:

  • All Category: Email your essay, application and all other required documents, in Word and/or PDF format, to:
  • Blind Student &Visually-Impaired Student can be mailed to: Foundation for Sight & Sound, P.O. Box 1245, Smithtown, NY 11787

Financial Aid and Award Money:

  • Blind Student:

The scholarship will award one student per school year with a $1000 scholarship towards the student’s college or vocational school of choice and WindowEyes software.

  • Visually-Impaired Student:

The scholarship will award one student per school year with $1000 towards the student’s college or vocational school of choice and ZoomText Screen Enhancement software

  • Hard-of-Hearing Student:

The scholarship recipient will receive two state-of-the-art ReSound Hearing Aids which best fit his/her hearing loss, along with a $1000 Scholarship to the student’s college or vocational school of choice.

Application Deadline:

The 2016-2017 Scholarship deadline is March 26, 2017.

Link for more Information:

Contact information:

If you have any query, contact at call (631) 366-3461 or email

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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