The Ensurify Safe Driving Scholarship

As a tech leader in data research with regards to people’s driving habits, car insurance, safety and finance advice, Ensurify seeks to support the next generation of innovators with a college scholarship contest. The bi annual scholarship is open for those who are enrolled at an accredited four-year university or two-year college, graduate school, community college, or trade school. $1,000 scholarship award will be given to the deserving candidate.

Ensurify is the first online car insurance shopping platform, which instantly verifies your customer data to provide intuitive and integrated user experience.


  • The candidates must be enrolled at an accredited four-year university or two-year college, graduate school, community college, or trade school
  • Be willing to prove active student status by submitting transcript or official letter of enrollment from the university.

How to Apply:

For applying the scholarship, the candidates must write a well-developed thought-provoking essay on one of the topics regarding safe driving below.

  • What made me stop? Tell in 750-1,250 words about the moment that you (either as a driver or passenger) realized the risks of using a smartphone while driving?
  • When it all stopped being fun. Tell us in 750-1,250 words about the moment that you (either as a driver or passenger) realized the risks of being intoxicated while driving?
  • Are self-driving cars safer? Driverless cars could address those problems. Your opinion about them in 750-1250 words. Are they safer? What are the societal changes that would come in place? What risks would autonomous vehicles eliminate or impose?

Submission Details:

  • Send your essay to and include your college, program, contact information, as well as which topic your essay is addressing in the header of your paper.
  • All submissions must be sent through a “.edu” email address, please include your name, major and year of graduation.

Award Amount:

Winner(s) will be awarded Ensurify’s Safe Driving Scholarship Winner plaque, as well as a check for $1,000.

Application Deadline:

Application deadline is 11:59pm EST, March 31, 2016.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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