There is no arguing that college costs are high. Tuition, books, and supplies are only part of the price. Living expenses for out of town or out of state students contribute to the overall cost of college. When you add it all together, spending just two years at college is more than most people can afford. A scholarship is an excellent way to offset the cost of college. Here is a Scholarship Owl review you may need for reference.

When most people think about a scholarship, they think about athletes or people with perfect grades, but that’s not how all of them work. Sure, plenty of athletes and exceptional students get them, but most of them apply for the scholarships. If they have the talent or grades, they have a good chance of succeeding.

Scholarship Owl Pros & Cons


  • Super easy to set up an account and get started applying for scholarships
  • Lets you apply to any scholarship you are eligible for without limits


  • Free version need to submit every application manually or one by one

Scholarship Owl

scholarship owl make applying for college scholarships easier

Image: Scholarship owl quick info used with permission from


Thousands of private organizations and charities offer scholarships for many things outside the realm of sports or academics. Some companies provide scholarship programs for employees and their families. Some small, local businesses in your area may fund a small scholarship and award it to a local student that needs support.

Forget your definition of a scholarship. The secret is finding a scholarship that fits you and your needs, not waiting for someone to show up with a sack of money. There are a few ways to find one or determine if you may qualify for specific scholarships. The best way to begin is by using what amounts to, for lack of a better definition, a specialized search engine like Scholarship Owl.

Scholarship Owl Review: What Makes Scholarship Owl Standout?

In short, Scholarship Owl automates finding and applying for scholarships. If you’ve spent any time searching for scholarships and asking for them, you understand why using an automated service is a timesaver. A few minutes setting up your profile and choosing your preferences is much better than hours searching, filling out applications, and still not getting results.

With Scholarship Owl, the process is simple and painless. The first step is signing up. Make sure you use a valid email that you know you will always have access to when signing up. After the account creation process is over, you need to fill out one scholarship application.

It’s there to get the necessary information plus the information you fill out on most applications. Your privacy is important, but keep in mind that giving them more information gets you better results.

Scholarship Owl Website

According to the Scholarship Owl website, students average nearly 100 scholarship matches each month. That’s 1,200 chances each year to find scholarship money to help you or your children pay for an education. We assume the results vary a lot based on your goals and the information you provide during the signup process.

Through Scholarship Owl, you get access to over one million dollars in scholarships. That number grows every month, with more than $100,000 in scholarship money added monthly. You will never find that much money on your own. Using this service is not a guarantee that scholarship money is available to you, but it dramatically improves your chances over any other method.

Scholarship Owl Review: What Kind of Scholarships Can I Expect to Find?

Scholarship Owl awards a scholarship each month to a member that signed up that month. It’s called the “You Deserve It” scholarship. It’s a $1,000 scholarship, and the chances of winning are pretty good since selection is random and the winner’s pool comes from people that signed up that month. If you don’t get their scholarship, they will help you apply for thousands more.

Included scholarships:

When you think about scholarships, those are the most common and widely known versions. Chances are you will find what you need among that list. If not, Scholarship Owl offers access to scholarships that focus on hidden or unusual talents that you probably didn’t think a scholarship existed for in the first place. Who knows, maybe a scholarship for extreme juggling is out there waiting.

Most scholarships want you to submit an essay as part of the application process. Typically, it is around 500 words, but 2,000-word pieces are not uncommon. Those that don’t require it are the golden eggs of the scholarship world.


However, in many cases, these scholarships require something similar to an essay such as a drawing, painting, video, or even a musical composition. Scholarships that don’t expect an essay usually need some kind of example of your work or talents, but sometimes only the application is necessary.

They cover any type of scholarship you can think of, and a few we never heard of before today. The ones for creatives are often the hardest to come by since they require talent and proof of that talent. The few popular scholarships for these individuals are gone before you get a chance to fill out the application and send your portfolio. Luckily, Scholarship Owl provides access to several options.

Scholarship Owl Review: What Does It Cost?

The initial service and signup are free of charge. You can do all the work and fill out the applications yourself without any automation. That still nets you more applications than doing it all through Google searches. So, whether you choose to pay for the premium services or not, using Scholarship Owl instead of googling and manually finding each application is much faster.

We recommend paying for a premium version of Scholarship Owl’s services. It doesn’t cost much and saves you time. Monthly plans start at $20 per month which is a small price to pay for the vast amount of time you’ll save in the end.

There are a few ways you can purchase the premium advantages if you want to get more features such as automated applications:

  • Monthly

This is the most expensive route to scholarship automation. It costs $20 per month. That money gets you into the automated service which applies for scholarship matches for you plus it reapplies if it needs to at any point. This plan also comes with a 7-day trial period.

  • Quarterly

This plan saves you $15 every three months. It’s the same program as the monthly subscription, but you save $5 a month by paying for bulk months. This plan is an inexpensive way to test drive the service and find out if it will work for your needs. A single month is only $20, but we believe a few months will give you a better idea than a single month. This plan also comes with a 7-day trial period too.

  • Semi-Annually

Since you are paying for six months in advance, you only wind up paying about $10 per month on this plan. It includes everything the monthly and quarterly plans include but saves you a few more dollars. Try out the service, and if it works for you, you can always upgrade later to get in on the money-saving plans. You can get a 7-day free trial for this plan as well.

  • Elite

If you have no idea what to do or how to apply for scholarships, this plan is probably the best fit for you. It isn’t cheap at $499, but it comes with a slew of benefits. It includes all the features of the other plans and adds several more perks including tutorials from experts, an essay review, personal admissions coach, dedicated email address, and access to the mobile app. There are tons of other benefits to this plan, but those are the ones we think are most appealing.

Whichever plan you choose, except for the Elite plan, there is a 7-day trial period you can take advantage of to see if the plans and the service is right for your needs. You can upgrade later if the service gets the results you expected, cancel if it fails you. It is worth the money if you need to find scholarships and have no idea where to begin or to save you some time.

Scholarship Owl Review: What We Like About Scholarship Owl

It’s super easy to set up an account and get started applying for scholarships. Easy is always better. It takes about five minutes to sign up and get a basic profile set up. You’ll need a few more minutes to finalize your profile and see the first search results.

If you choose the free version, it’s still easy, but you’ll need to submit every application manually or one by one. If required, writing the essay for the applications eats up a good deal of time.

Many services that offer the same things as Scholarship Owl limit the number of applications you can submit whether you pay or use the free version.

Scholarship Owl lets you apply to any scholarship you are eligible for without limits. Most schools only allow you use scholarship money for tuition so that you won’t get the overflow from multiple scholarships, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply for several.

Scholarship Owl Review: What do Customers Say?

Customer comments are your first line of defense against internet scams and dead ends. We spend a lot of time searching for and weeding through comments. We look for comments from verified owners or users whether the comments are good or negative. We look for comments that contain legitimate issues instead of user errors.

Customer comments are positive overall. Most customers feel the same way we do about the easy signup process and how fast you can get started applying for scholarships. Some expressed their amazement at how many scholarships were out there and praised Scholarship Owl for helping them find scholarships.

We found a few negative comments about the website’s signup form. A few users claimed the signup form was broken and they couldn’t choose colleges from the list. Most contacted customer support and got the issue cleared up right away.

With so many devices and different internet browsers out there, website forms don’t always work on every device or in every browser. We think the issue was more browser or device related than anything else.

Scholarship Owl Review: Are They Better than their Competition?

Based on the easy signup process and the automated applications alone, Scholarship Owl is arguably the best way to find a scholarship. If you found this article through a search engine while searching for scholarships, you are already aware of how difficult it is to find applications and legitimate scholarships.

Here are a few other places to search for scholarships, but we recommend giving Scholarship Owl review a try first:

  • Chegg: it provides a list of scholarships to choose from and may not always be up to date. It doesn’t require an account to use, but there is no automated application process or help to get you started.
  • Fastweb: this site provides a searchable database of over one million scholarships, but there isn’t a lot of help provided for the application process. Like Chegg, Fastweb is more of a do it yourself method.
  • Scholly: this site falls into the same category as Scholarship Owl but may not be as user-friendly on mobile devices.

Scholarship Owl Review: Our Opinion

We recommend you try Scholarship Owl if you or your children are hunting a scholarship. Living expenses are high and adding college tuition to that limits, and sometimes prevents, many people from getting the best education available. Scholarship Owl review helps you find the scholarship, apply for it, and they do it starting at $20 a month.

Whether you need a lot of tuition money or a little extra help with textbooks, don’t waste your time with search engines and manual applications. Get started in less than ten minutes and find hundreds of scholarships based on your profile right away. We can’t stress enough how easy this is to set up, or how much faster-automated applications make the application process.

Scholarship Owl Review: Conclusion

No one wants to spend hours, days, or weeks searching for scholarships and applying for them. Schools offer limited advice or point you toward a scholarship matching program that costs hundreds of dollars.

Scholarship Owl review cuts through all the hassle and puts the best scholarships for you at your fingertips for free. They’ll also handle the application process for you for a small monthly fee. Give them a try and see what you think.






Image: Scholarship Owl homepage used with permission from




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