Rose Marie Pangborn Sensory Science Scholarship

The College of Health & Human Sciences at Purdue University is now offering the Rose Marie Pangborn Sensory Science Scholarship in honor of the memory of Professor Rose Marie Pangborn, who initiated the scholarship fund to encourage the education of Sensory Scientists intending to pursue academic careers. Students, who are enrolled in a Ph. D program such as Food Science, Nutrition, Psychology or Physiology, are eligible to apply for the scholarship. The purpose of the program is to support a Ph.D. student who intends to teach and conduct research in the area of sensory science at the University level. The winner of the sensory science scholarship will receive $15,000 for the academic year.

The College of Health and Human Sciences at Purdue University launched on July 1, 2010. The realignment of nine academic units into a new college is linked to Purdue’s strategic plan, “New Synergies,” which strives to elevate Purdue’s reputation in the health and human sciences. The plan focuses on positioning the university to meet the challenges facing humanity, growing and creating opportunities for Indiana and the global economy, and enhancing student learning for success in a changing world.


  • Applicants for the scholarship must be enrolled in a Ph. D Program such as Food Science, Nutrition, Psychology or Physiology. The planned or on-going dissertation research must be on a sensory topic under the guidance of a sensory scientist.
  • A Ph.D. student who intends to teach and conduct research in the area of sensory science at the University level.

How to Apply:

To be applying, the applicant can download the application through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

  • List your name, mailing address, campus address (If different from your mailing address), phone and e-mail
  • List all colleges and universities attended. For each indicate:
  1. Name of institution
  2. Years in attendance
  3. Date and degree received
  4. Grade point average (GPA)
  • GRE (Grad Record Exam) Scores (Attach a photocopy of scores if available).
  • Current institution and program in which you are a Ph.D. candidate? (Provide address).
  • Present GPA and the number of units taken towards this GPA.
  • Date you expect to complete your graduate studies and receive your D.
  • List the courses and degree requirements that you need to fulfill before graduation.
  • List the source and amount of all current scholarship or assistantship support.
  • Provide your employment record since high school (list most recent first).
  • list all teaching assistantships and specify:
  1. Company/University
  2. Dates
  3. Job title, job description
  • List three references qualified to comment on your academic and personal performance. For each, provide their name, title, mailing address, FAX, and e-mail.
  • Enclose the three sealed (confidential) completed letters of recommendation with your application. Do not have them mailed separately.
  • Attach a sheet listing your publications. (If you have no publications, but have abstracts for talks presented at meetings, you may list these.)
  • Attach an essay in which you describe the origin of your interest in a career in sensory science. Specifically, address your motivation to teach and conduct research in this field at the University  Indicate your future goals.  If you have a research project underway or proposed, please state the objective of your research, and briefly outline the protocol.  If you do not yet have a project, please briefly indicate what type of project you would like to conduct for your Ph.D. thesis.
  • Have your application endorsed by the department chairman of your current major professor.
  • Include a copy of your undergraduate and graduate transcripts (photocopies acceptable).
  • Three (3) recommendation letters

Submitting Details:

Return completed application and 3 recommendation letters to:

Dr. Richard Mattes,

Purdue University

Department of Nutrition Science

Stone Hall, Room 212

700 W. State St.

  1. Lafayette, IN 47907-2059, USA.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

One $15,000 Sensory Science Scholarship will be awarded for the 2017-2018 academic year

Application Deadline:

The application must complete and submit no later than June 26, 2017, to be considered for the award.

Link for More Information:

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