My Political Hero Essay Contest

Virginians for Integrity in Government (VIG) is glad to announce “The My Political Hero Contest”. The contest provides an opportunity for Virginia students to practice and improve their writing skills.”David Bailey, a veteran lobbyist and member of the Board of VIG developed the contest to challenge and encourage Virginia high school students to pay tribute to their living political heroes and heroines. Elected officials, teachers, relatives, or any other citizens who are living in Virginia or having Virginia residents, can be participating in the contest.  The winners will get up to $2,000 award and their essays will be printed in Virginia Capitol Connections Quarterly Magazine.

Virginians for Integrity in Government (VIG), a 501-(c) (3) educational organization, seeks to identify issues while not advocating a “correct” point of view. On behalf of VIG, David Bailey Associates publishes Virginia Capitol Connections, a quarterly magazine, and three annual directories. It was established to provide concerned individuals a means to get involved in government and make a difference!


  • The applicant must be residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia only (for the contest).
  • Entrants must be currently enrolled as high school students in Virginia public schools, Virginia private schools or Virginia home schools.
  • The “heroes” of the essays may be women/men or can be elected officials, teachers, relatives, or any other citizens. They must be living Virginia residents.
  • The applicant must have been born in Virginia, or currently, reside in Virginia, or have given significant public service to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • They must be living as of the date the essay is submitted.

How to Apply:

  • To enter in the contest, the applicant must submit online application and upload essay through the given link:
  • The My Political Hero Essay contest provides an avenue in which to recognize living influential persons.

Essay Guidelines:

  • Entries must be original and previously unpublished.
  • Essays must be typed and submitted via the upload form, using the link or by mail.
  • The essay must be no longer than 800 words in length.
  • The applicant must be clearly labeled with the entrant’s name, school, and home address.
  • All materials submitted become the property of VIG, and cannot be returned.

Submitting Details:

The applicants may submit your essay by mail to VIG Essays, 1001 East Broad Street, Suite 215, Richmond, VA 23219.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

  • The first prize is $2,000 to be sent to a post-secondary school or college of the winner’s choice, upon his or her admission to that school.
  • VIG will also award $1,000 scholarships.
  • The essays will be printed in Virginia Capitol Connections Quarterly Magazine.
  • An unspecified number of runners-up will be selected from the entries.

Application Deadline:

2017 all entries must be received no later than May 1, 2017. The winners will be announced and notified no later than July 31th, 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have any query, contact VIG at 804.643.5554

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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