The PAINWeek Scholarship Program

In recognition of mutual commitment to excellence in pain management education, is once again partnering with to present the PAINWeek PainEDU Scholarship Program. The scholarship is open for those who are actively involved in health care or health care education. Education is the best analgesic that’s why to apply for a PAINWeek 2016 scholarship and fund your next level learning. Ten scholarships will be awarded to the deserving candidates that cover the cost of registration.

PAINWeek is the largest US pain conference and the favorite destination for frontline practitioners to enhance their competence in pain management. Their goal is to bring more and better pain management education to frontline clinicians who are faced with treating the majority of patients in pain.


Applicants must follow the given guidelines, to be considered for scholarship:

• At least 18 years of age
• Actively involved in health care or health care education
• Available to attend the PAINWeek scholarship awards ceremony on Wednesday, September 7
• Applicants may not be Industry-employed and past scholarship winner

How to Apply:

To be applying for scholarship, the candidates must write an essay on the given topic:
Compose a compelling essay explaining why attending PAINWeek would be meaningful for your professional area of focus.

Essay Guidelines:

• Essays must be written in a word document, be no more than 2,000 words
• The applicant’s full name, email address, job title, and job description
• The name and address of the applicant’s practice setting
• A description of the practice setting, the patient population, and the applicant’s role in the organization
• A description of how PAINWeek can enhance pain management skills and knowledge, and how this knowledge can be used in a clinical setting
• A description of the barriers to pain management education/training that exist for the applicant
• Any other relevant points concerning the applicant’s educational and professional goals

Submitting Details:

If your essay is completed, you can submit it must be emailed to The subject line should be “scholarship”.

Award Amount:

• They will award ten scholarships that cover the cost of registration.
• One grand prize winner will receive five nights of hotel accommodations at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas in addition to complementary conference registration.

Application Deadline:

All essays must be received by midnight EST on Friday, June 25, 2016. Scholarship winners will be selected by PAINWeek and will be notified via email and/or phone no later than July 8, 2016.

Link for More Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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