NJESA Youth Scholarship Program

The New Jersey Electronic Security Association (NJESA), an official chartered chapter of the Electronic Security Association (ESA), is pleased to announce Youth Scholarship Program. The scholarship is created to promote goodwill among the electronic life safety and security industry and police and fire officers by providing college scholarship awards to their deserving sons or daughters. The scholarship awards, in the amounts of $1,500 for first prize and $1,000 for second prize, are available to qualified high school seniors.

The New Jersey Electronic Security Association (NJESA) has been a driving force in providing information and training to our members to ultimately protect the consumer.


  • Applicants must be at least 15 years of age and not older than 20.
  • He or she must be a graduating high school senior who will receive a diploma from an accredited high school, located within the state where they apply.
  • Home schooled students and students attending military or boarding schools are also eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be accepted for admission to an accredited college or university, matriculating the following year.
  • Each eligible student must have a father, mother or natural guardian who meets the following qualifications:
  1. The student’s school must be located in the state where the parent is a full-time active employee OR within a 100-mile radius of where the parent is a full-time active employee.
  2. Parent must be a full-time paid member of the police or sheriff’s department or fire department. Parent/guardian may also be a volunteer member of a fire department.
  3. Parent or guardian must be an active duty police officer, firefighter, paramedic, or EMT (public sector). Children of administrative staff do not qualify.
  4. Children of DHS, FBI and other Federal employees do not qualify.
  5. Children of reserve officers, part-time sheriff’s deputies and retired or deceased employees do not qualify.

How to Apply:

The interested candidates can download the scholarship application form by the given link:


Supporting Documents:

  • Essay (typed). Write a 500-1000 word essay which explains “What it means to me to have my parent or guardian involved in securing our community.”
  • Transcripts from the school (or parent if home schooled) that lists the student’s grade point average. GPA must be in a standard 4.0 or 0-100 percent scale or conversion method must be provided (weighted GPA scores accepted).
  • Proof of acceptance to a college or university (letter/certificate acceptable; does not have to be the student’s intended college or university).
  • Proof of parent’s occupation (copy of ID or supervisory letter on station letterhead acceptable)
  • Copies of official SAT and/or ACT test score results. (These may be included on and sent with official high school transcripts).
  • Resume listing academic prizes, awards, hobbies, extracurricular activities and work history.
  • Letter of recommendations from a high school counselor, teacher or other outside agency which verifies participation in extracurricular activities and speaks of the student’s character

Award Amount:

  • The scholarship awards, in the amounts of $1,500 for first prize and $1,000 for second prize, are available to qualified high school seniors.
  • An exciting aspect of this scholarship is that the first place winner from our state is eligible for the nation scholarship awards. The ESA Youth Scholarship Program awards two scholarships. The first place national winner will receive $8,500 and the second place national winner will receive $3,500.

Application Deadline:

The deadline for application is March 18, 2016.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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