NeuroCure PhD Fellowship

The NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence is offering an amazing fellowship for international and German students named as NeuroCure PhD Fellowship. If you are a B.Sc or M.Sc degree holder, you are eligible to apply. NeuroCure offers outstanding interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for national and international scientists from a wide range of backgrounds. All selected PhD students have the opportunity to undertake small rotation projects. Applicants will receive stipend of 1360 € per month.

NeuroCure is a Cluster of Excellence in the neurosciences is located in Berlin. Main aim of the organization is to focus on the transfer of knowledge from basic science to clinical application (translation).


  • Formal qualification is an M.Sc or equivalent degree.
  • Outstanding candidates with a B.Sc. degree are also eligible after assessment of their qualification.

How to Apply:

For applying the candidates are requested to register themselves and fill the on-line fellowships application form. The link is:

Supporting Documents:

Interested candidates should submit:

  • C.V.
  • Two letters of recommendation and a letter of motivation. This letter should also include a short description of the applicants academic and research interests, nominating at least three potential labs of the cluster.
  • Reference letters can be handed in with the application or submitted separately by the reviewer.

Award Amount:

  • The fellowship constitutes of roughly 1360 € per month, from which health insurance has to be subtracted.
  • Additional money is available for travel, training opportunities etc.

Application Deadline:

You can apply for the given fellowship on or before January 10, 2016.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

For more information email at:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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