National Sojourners 2017 Essay Contest

National Sojourners, Inc. conducts an annual National essay contest for high school students. All Sojourner Chapters are encouraged to provide the opportunity for participation to all high school students in their area. This year the essay contest theme is “George Washington’s Thoughts on Patriotism Today”. Three winners will be selected and they will get an award of $2000, $1000 and $500 respectively.

The Purposes of National Sojourners shall be to organize current and former members of the uniformed forces of the United States and Honorary Members.


The National Sojourners 2017 Essay Contest is open to students currently in the 9th to 12th grades, including home schooled students.

How to Apply:

To be entering in the contest, the candidates must submit an essay on the following topic:

What do you think George Washington would say about the role of patriotism today, and how would you go about helping others to understand what it means to be an American?

Essay Guidelines:

  • Must be typed, 300 – 500 words long, & include word count
  • Must cite & footnote facts/quotations & include bibliography
  • Must include student’s name on the first page of actual essay and on bibliography [for tracking purposes
  • Must be turned into and forwarded by your National Sojourners Chapter to be selected as winners

Submitting Details:

  • Return the completed application to the nearest National Sojourner Chapter in your area
  • Each Chapter should submit a maximum of 3 essays to National Sojourners Headquarters, received at National

Financial Aid and Award Money:

National Sojourners presents three “place” awards each year and are as follows:

  • 1st Place $2,000 Savings Bond & Plaque
  • 2nd Place $1,000 Savings Bond & Plaque
  • 3rd Place $500 Savings Bond & Plaque

Application Deadline:

Your completed essay must be received by January 15th, 2017.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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