Minority Access National Internship Program

Students are you ready to begin working toward a career in the field of your choice? Would you like an internship during your college career that has the possibility of an offer for full-time employment upon graduation?  Minority Access, Inc. is pleased to announce the Minority Access National Internship Program that provides students with the opportunity to merge academic theory with practical application in the workplace through full time and part time internships. The program is designed to allow talented undergraduate and graduate students experience the diversity and scope of career opportunities available in the federal government and other participating entities. All internships are paid positions. Interns will receive round-trip travel expenses, bi-weekly stipends, employment benefits, and assistance in locating housing.

Minority Access, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization which supports individuals, institutions, Federal agencies and corporations of all kinds to diversify their campuses and work sites by improving the recruitment, retention, and enhancement of minorities and non-minorities. Minority Access, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.


  • Applications are accepted on-line from full-time undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Students in good academic standing with their institutions are encouraged to apply.
  • However, priority is given to students with a minimum 3.0 or better grade point average.
  • Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
  • Not only for minority students, had all students encouraged to apply.

How to Apply:

To be applying for the scholarships, the applicant can register to submit on-line application through the given link: http://www.minorityaccessconference.org/internship/

Supporting Documents:

Students must submit the following information:

  • Academic transcript-Unofficial (Official Transcript will be required upon selection)
  • Two letters of recommendation from faculty advisor or current instructor
  • Resume
  • 250-word essay describing reasons for wanting to participate in the Minority Access NDIIP program

Submitting Details:

Reference letters and unofficial transcript should be mailed to
Minority Access, Inc.
National Diversity & Inclusion Internship Program
5214 Baltimore Avenue,
Hyattsville, MD 20781 or

Financial Aid and Award Money:

As a Minority Access intern, you will receive:

  • Recognition- Upon completion of the summer internship program, interns receive special achievement certificates and/or awards
  • Training- Interns have the opportunity to attend special seminars and workshops to enhance their professional and personal development
  • Counseling- A team of professionals, most of the experience in postsecondary administration and/or employment counseling and placement, is available at all times to offer guidance and lend assistance and
  • Academic Credit- Students may receive academic credit for internships. Students should advise Minority Access to eligibility requirements after checking with the appropriate office on their campuses.

Application Deadline:

The deadlines for the applications are as the following: July 1 for fall, December 1 for spring, and March 1 for summer.

Link for More Information:


Contact Information:

If you have any question, contact the Minority Access National Diversity & Inclusion Internship Program at interns-at-minorityaccess.orgor by Phone: (301) 779-7100

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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