Mcknight Doctoral Fellowship Program

The Florida Education Fund in partnership with the Office of Graduate Minority Programs is offering an application for the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship. The program is designed to address the underrepresentation of African American and Hispanic faculty at colleges and universities in the State of Florida by increasing the pool of citizens qualified with Ph.D. degrees to teach at the college and university levels.  Up to 50 Fellowships (renewable for up to five years) are granted each year consists of $17,000 per year in tuition, fees, and a stipend.

The Florida Education Fund (FEF) was established in 1984.The FEF has provided an avenue to ensure that educational advancement is possible. The mission of the FEF is to strengthen the larger community by creating and implementing programs and services that lead to the institutional enhancement and greater educational advancement for historically underrepresented groups.


To eligible, candidate must meet the all following criteria:

  • Applicants must be African American or Hispanic, U.S. citizens, and hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
  • Applicants must be US citizens admitted to a University of Florida Ph.D. program and entering the first year of that program.
  • The Fellowship will be awarded only to persons who intend to seek the Ph.D. Degree, full-time, in one of the following eligible fields of study: any field in the Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Nursing, or the Visual and Performing Arts
  • The program is intended to increase enrollment in Ph.D. programs, currently enrolled doctoral students are not eligible to apply.
  • The Fellowship will be awarded only to persons who intend to seek the Ph.D. degree full-time in one of the aforementioned eligible fields of study.
  • In those doctoral programs which require entry at the master’s level prior to acceptance at the doctoral level, institutional verification will be required.
  • All recipients of the McKnight Ph.D. Fellowship must agree to seek a professorial position at a four-year Florida university.
  • If the student is offered a competitive faculty position at a Florida university and does not accept the position, the student must repay the amount of the Fellowship received.
  • If a Fellow does not receive a competitive offer for employment from a Florida university, without penalty, the Fellow may secure employment opportunities elsewhere.

How to Apply:

  • To be applying, candidate can register for theMcKnight Doctoral Fellowship, through the given link:
  • If you do not have easy online access, paper application forms are available upon request. You can call the FEF at (813) 272-2772 to request a paper application form

Supporting Documents:

Submitting Details:

Applications and supporting materials postmarked to:

Mailed- the FEF, 201 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1525, Tampa, FL 33602

Financial Aid and Award Money:

  • Up to 50 Fellowships are awarded annually to study at one of the nine participating Florida universities.
  • Each award provides annual tuition up to $5,000 for each of three academic years, plus an annual stipend of $12,000. (An additional two years of support at this same level is provided by the participating institution.)
  • Each annual renewal is contingent upon satisfactory performance and normal progress toward the Ph.D. degree.
  • It is important to note that the University of Miami and the Florida Institute of Technology will cover tuition expenses over the $5,000 paid by the Florida Education Fund.
  • Furthermore, universities may supplement the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship’s stipend to varying degrees.

Application Deadline:

Applications must be on-line and/or postmarked no later than January 15th of each year.

Link for more Information:

Contact Information:

If you have any question, contact the FEF webmaster at or 813-943-7578.

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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