The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program provides talented young people from economically disadvantaged communities, particularly in Africa, with access to quality and relevant education.
This is a $500 million global education initiative that enables young people from Africa.


The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at an American University for undergraduate students is generally open to first-time freshman applicants who are residents or citizens of an African country.

Graduate Students

The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at an American University for master’s students is open to students who have already completed a bachelor’s degree at an African university and are residents or citizens of an African country.

How To Apply

Students do not need to receive notification of acceptance to an American University prior to submitting their scholarship application. However, students must complete an application to the university they wish to study in order to be considered for the scholarship. Students who are already enrolled at an American University may not eligible for The Scholars Program.

Popular Universities and MasterCard Foundation Program

UC Berkeley
Arizona State University
Duke University Wellesley College

Introducing the Scholars: Barbara Kotei

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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