MassRecycle College Competition

MassRecycle is excited to announce the second annual college competition, this year with a new theme “What Happens to Our Recyclables?” Enter today for a chance to be featured at the 2016 R3 Conference and to win a college scholarship, generously sponsored by Whole Foods Market. Submit a 30-second or less video for a chance to win a $1,000 college scholarship. The competition challenges the student to identify a recyclable material and then trace where that material goes after it has gone through the traditional recycling process.

MassRecycle believes that convening stakeholders to develop pragmatic, comprehensive solutions is key to addressing our waste issues.


  • Must be currently enrolled in college or university or matriculating in the fall of 2016
  • Teams may submit but prizes will be divided accordingly
  • Students from adjacent states may submit, but video content must be pertinent to MA

How to Apply:

For applying the scholarship competition, the candidates must submit video. Videos should educate the public on what happens to recyclables after they have been sorted at the materials recover facility (MRF), with a focus on neat new products made by local manufacturers.

Video Guidelines:

  • Be in .mp4 or .wmv format
  • Be 30 seconds or less
  • Identify a consumer product(s) that uses recycled content
  • Contain a call-out to MassRecycle and Whole Foods Market (please contact MassRecycle for logos)
  • Not be a pitch/advertisement piece for a company

Award Amount:

  • Have your video featured on the web and in PSAs
  • Attend the 2016 R3 Recycling Conference free
  • Win an electronic prize
  • Win a $1,000 scholarship

Application Deadline:

Deadline to submit a video is March 18th, 2016.

Link for More Information:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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