MACD Scholarship Application

The Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) is pleased to announce MACD Scholarship. The scholarship is available for high school seniors or students who are attending an accredited post secondary institution in Montana.  Two $500 Scholarships are available for Montana students. Students may receive a scholarship both as a high school senior and once during post secondary career.

The Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) was created in 1942.MACD is a private nonprofit association, governed by a statewide Board of Directors.


  • US citizenship and Montana residency
  • Minimum grade point average of 3.0
  • Enrollment or plans to enroll in a course of study that allows students to explore natural resource issues.
  • Appropriate courses of study include agriculture, agribusiness, animal science, range science, forestry, environmental science, land resource science, plant science, etc.

How to Apply:

For applying the scholarship, the candidates must submit the on-line scholarship application form. The link is:

Supporting Documents:

The candidates are required to upload the following documents:

  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Unofficial Transcript
  • Copy of GED, if applicable
  • Proof of Home School Attendance, if applicable
  • College Acceptance Letter
  • Resume
  • Personal Essay

Award Amount:

Two Scholarships of $500 each will be given to the winning candidates.

Application Deadline:

Application deadline is February 18, 2016.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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