LRF Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) is pleased to announce the LRF Postdoctoral Fellowship, which is from one of their three Young Investigator Grant programs.  The program is open to those students who hold an MD, Ph.D., or equivalent degree (MD Applicants must have completed at least two years of their fellowship work at the start of the award period. LRF’s mission is to eradicate lymphoma and serve those touched by this disease. The LRF Postdoctoral Fellowship provides a total of $105,000. The fellows will receive $45,000 salary support for the first year and $50,000 for the second year.  Incidental funds of $5,000 per year may be budgeted for research supplies or professional development expenses such as tuition, registration fees, and travel for courses and meetings.

The Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) is the nation’s largest non-profit organization devoted exclusively to funding innovative lymphoma research and providing people with lymphoma and healthcare professionals with up-to-date information about this type of cancer. LRF was formed in November 2001 by the merger of the Cure for Lymphoma Foundation (CLF) and the Lymphoma Research Foundation of America (LRFA).


To be eligible for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant RFP, the applicant must meet all the following:

  • Applicants must hold an MD, Ph.D., or equivalent degree. MD Applicants must have completed at least two years (24 months) of their fellowship work at the start of the award period (March 1, 2018).

All applicants should not have completed more than five years (60 months) of their fellowship or postdoctoral work at the start of their award period. Individuals holding faculty positions prior to March 1, 2018, are not eligible to apply, awarded applicants may move into faculty positions during the award period

  • Applicants must be affiliated with a sponsoring institution in the U.S. or Canada for the duration of the LRF Grant and intend to pursue a career in lymphoma research. Citizenship is not required
  • Applicant must secure a Sponsor who will supervise the proposed research project. The Sponsor’s role is to assure (on behalf of the Institution) that the specific aims of the project are met and to present the Institution’s role in the development of the Applicant’s career.
  • Applications are encouraged from qualified individuals without regard to age, race, religion, sex, creed, national origin or any other characteristics protected by law
  • During the award period, the Fellow must spend a minimum of 80 percent of his/her time in research without major patient care, teaching, or administrative responsibilities except as such responsibilities relate directly to a pre-clinical or clinical lymphoma research project
  • The LRF Fellow may not hold another competitively applied for a fellowship and/or a grant that primarily supports Principal Investigator (PI) salary during the period of the LRF Grant, except if awarded as part of an NIH Institutional Training Grant (T32/K12 or equivalent). Supply and material costs for the clinical research project should be supported by another grant or from institutional funds. The percent of research time for the PI on all active grants should not add up to more than 100%. LRF must be informed as to the sources and the amounts of all extramural/non-institutional funding received by the Fellowship recipient during the term of the LRF Grant and reserves the right to determine that the LRF Grant may not be held concurrent with other funding
  • A previous LRF Fellow shall not be granted support other than in exceptional circumstances, which is decided on a case-by-case basis. However, applicants from previous years who did not receive an award are welcome to apply if they still meet eligibility requirements
  • All LRF applications are self-initiated. LRF does not invite applications from selected individuals or laboratories.
  • The Fellow must spend 80 percent of their time in research during the award period.

How to Apply:

To apply for the grant, the applicant must submit their applications online through proposalCENTRAL. The link is:

Supporting Documents:

A complete application includes the following:

  • Application Signature Page: proposalCENTRAL will prompt you to generate a printable version of this page when you have completed your application. Original signatures from the applicant, sponsor, and institutional official are required. A scan of the signed page must be uploaded as a PDF. Proxy and/or electronic signatures are not permissible.
  • LRF Waiver: the original of the Waiver must be signed by the applicant, the primary Sponsor, and the authorized official of the sponsoring institution. Original signatures in ink are required. A scan of the signed page should be uploaded as a PDF
  • Non-Technical Abstract: This is a brief description (100 words or less) of the proposed project presented in terminology for the general public. It should be understandable to the average reader of a daily newspaper
  • Technical Abstract: In addition to describing the project using technical language, the Technical Abstract should explain (in 100 words or less) the significance of the proposed work to the field of lymphoma
  • Keywords: Select any applicable keywords in each of the four Areas of Study categories. A thorough, accurate selection of keywords will enable LRF to match your application with appropriate reviewers
  • Statement of Level of Effort: Provide the approximate percentage of time that the Applicant will devote to each work activity (e.g., research, clinical, teaching, administration, other). At least 80 percent of the Applicant’s time must be devoted to research. The total of these items must not exceed 100 percent.
  • Current and Pending Research Support: List all active and pending research support for the applicant. Include all individual and institutional support available for the proposed work during its duration.
  • Sponsor’s Letter of Support: This letter should demonstrate the Sponsor’s support of your project and commitment to providing the necessary training and supervision.
  • List of Three Individuals Providing Letters of Support: In addition to providing a letter of support and commitment from the Applicant’s Sponsor, list three (3) additional individuals who are familiar with your past work and/or training and who are providing letters of recommendation
  • Applicant’s Biographical Sketch: limit to 5 pages
  • Sponsor’s Biographical Sketch: limit to 5 pages
  • Description of the Proposed Research Project: Use the template supplied by PC and upload as PDF. Limit Sections 1-6 of your Research Plan to 10 pages. The Research Plan description should discuss the nature of the proposed research plan and should cover the following points:
  1. Scientific abstract
  2. Specific aims
  3. Background
  4. Preliminary studies
  5. Experimental design and methods
  6. Milestones
  7. Relevance to the understanding and treatment of lymphoma
  8. References
  • Budget: Enter a budget in the proposalCENTRAL template outlining the planned expenses for the grant.
  • Appendices: The following additional documents should be uploaded in PDF format:
  1. Other Research Support for Mentor
  2. Support Letters from Pharmaceutical Partners or Other Collaborators
  3. Vertebrate Animals Certification or Statement of Exemption
  4. Human Subjects Certification or Statement of Exemption
  5. Biohazards Certification or Statement of Exemption
  6. Publication Reprints: Each application is limited to 5 (five) publications.

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant RFP will worth:

  • A total of $105,000 to grantees over two years. Salary support is provided in the amount of $45,000 for the first year and $50,000 for the second year.
  • Incidental funds of $5,000 per year may be budgeted for research supplies or professional development expenses such as tuition, registration fees, and travel for courses and meetings.
  • This Grant does not provide for institutional overhead.

Application Deadline:

The applications are due on September 6, 2017, at 5:00 pm EST.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

For additional questions, email

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