Louie and Elsie Hansen Memorial Scholarship

The Cass County Health System Foundation is offering scholarships to students who are enrolled and have been accepted into a nursing or medical doctor training program. The scholarship is created to benefit Cass County high school graduates. $10,000 in awards will be presented to the winning candidates. Consideration will be given to applicant’s scholarship, citizenship and leadership abilities.

The Cass County Health System Foundation was established in 1968. The purpose of foundation is to provide funding to Cass County Memorial Hospital for equipment, education, service and facility needs.


The Louie and Elsie Hansen Memorial Scholarship  is open to Cass County high school graduates who are enrolled in, or have been accepted to and will be attending, a college of nursing or medicine, leading to an LPN, RN, BSN or MD degree.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates can download the scholarship application through the given link:


Supporting Documents:

To be considered for scholarship, you should also provide the following information on a separate sheet:

  • Extracurricular activities, honors and/or work experiences.
  • Explain in 100 words or less what makes you the best candidate for this scholarship.
  • Attach one personal and one professional (ie: clergy, teacher, employer, health care professional) letter of recommendation.
  • Attach a copy of your high school transcript, and college transcript if applicable. Please be sure your transcript includes your ACT or SAT score

Submitting Details:

Return completed applications to:

Cass County Health System Foundation

Dawn Marnin, Director

1501 E. Tenth Street

Atlantic, IA 50022

Award Amount:

Two $5,000 awards will be offered to the winning candidates.

Application Deadline:

Scholarship applications are due by April 1, 2016.

Link for More Information:


Contact Information:

For further information, contact Dawn Marnin, CCHS Foundation Director, at 712-243-7409 or mardd-at-casshealth.org.


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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