Lilly Endowment Inc. Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program (TCFP)

Lilly Endowment Inc., an Indianapolis-based private philanthropic foundation, is thrilled to pronounce its Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program (TCFP) for 2017 academic year. Indiana’s public and private school teachers (including guidance counselors and library/media specialists), principals and assistant principals, are eligible to apply. TCFP will support projects that are intellectually revitalizing and personally renewing to educators. Up to 100 Teacher Creativity grants of $12,000 each will be awarded in 2017.

Lilly Endowment concentrates its philanthropic efforts in community development in its home territory of Indianapolis and Indiana.


  • Licensed teachers, library/media specialists, guidance counselors, principals and assistant principals in Indiana’s public, private and parochial schools are eligible to apply for a 2017 Teacher Creativity Fellowship (TCF).
  • Applicants must have held one of these positions since at least Fall 2014, be currently employed full time, and be Indiana-certified in grades K-12. Past TCF recipients who continue to meet these requirements and received their first grant before 2010 also may apply.
  • Later recipients are not eligible. An individual may receive up to two TCF grants during his or her lifetime.

How to Apply:

  • Teacher Creativity Fellowship Proposal Cover Sheet
  • Project title and 50-word summary of the proposed project.
  • Describe the proposed project in the following order:
  1. Describe the rationale for your project, including why it is important and meaningful to you
  2. Describe your specific project goals. What do you hope to accomplish?
  3. Describe the specific activities you will engage in to accomplish your goals.
  4. Describe how this project will be creative and intellectually stimulating for you
  5. Describe your vision for how this project will result in renewed energy, creativity and enthusiasm for you as an educator.
  6. Describe how your renewed energy, creativity and enthusiasm will affect your school or classroom.
  • Statement of Future Plans
  1. Teachers, guidance counselors and library/media specialists must submit a statement affirming their present intention to teach in Indiana through school year 2017-2018.
  2. Principals and assistant principals must submit a statement affirming their present intention to remain in their roles in Indiana through school year 2018-2019 and a statement affirming their district’s or governing board’s approval of their participation in the project.
  • All applicants must attach to the proposal at least one signed and dated letter of professional recommendation on official letterhead from a recognized authority or otherwise qualified person who can address your general ability and capacity to complete the proposed project.
  • Indiana license
  1. Teachers, guidance counselors and library/media specialists should include a copy of your valid Indiana teaching license.
  2. Principals and assistant principal should also include a copy of your valid Indiana administrative license and a statement that affirms your districts or governing board’s approval of your participation in the proposed project.

Submitting Details:

Mail one copy of your proposal (no binders or covers), including all documents referenced above, to:

Barbara S. DeHart
Program Director, Education
Lilly Endowment Inc.
P.O. Box 88068
Indianapolis, IN 46208-0068

 Award Amount:

  • Each grant will be made for precisely $12,000.
  • A detailed budget should include out-of-pocket expenses, such as transportation, food, lodging, fees, supplies, taxes, etc. After budgeting for out-of-pocket expenses, remaining funds may be designated as a personal stipend. All budgets must total $12,000.
  • In most cases this grant will be subject to federal income tax. Therefore, applicants are encouraged to include a line item to cover tax liability as needed.

Application Deadline:

Your Proposal must be postmarked by September 1, 2016, to be considered for scholarship. Recipients will be notified in January 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have specific questions about the program or application procedure, you may contact Lilly Endowment via e-mail:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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