Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship

The American Legion Department of Missouri is proud to announce a wonderful scholarship termed as Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship. The given scholarship is available to those who must be attending an accredited college / university or who have attended a full session of Missouri Boys State or Missouri Cadet Patrol Academy. Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship Fund will award two deserving candidates with $1,000.00 amount.

The American Legion Department of Missouri was chartered on August 1, 1920. There are currently American Legion. The American Legion is based upon honorable service with U.S. Armed Forces.


To be eligible for the Scholarships students must be:

  • One boy who has attended a full session of Missouri Boys State or Missouri Cadet Patrol Academy
  • One girl who has attended a full session of Missouri Girls State or Missouri Cadet Patrol Academy
  • Must be the descendant of a veteran having served 90 days on active duty in the Army, Air Force
  • Be a resident of the state of Missouri
  • An unmarried dependent under the age of 21
  • Must be attending an accredited college / university as a full-time student
  • Consideration for scholarship will be determined annually for high school graduates in NEED of financial aid to attend a college / university
  • Scholarship must be used the first fall semester of a college / university following graduation from high school

How to Apply:

Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship applicants can download and print the application form by the given link:

Supporting Documents:

Those who are descendent must submit:

  • A copy of the veteran’s discharge or separation notice must be submitted with application.
  • The copy must show the date the veteran entered service and the date the veteran left service.

Submitting Details:

All documents and the application must be submitted to:

The American Legion Department of Missouri, Inc

Attn: Education and Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 179

Jefferson City MO 65102-0179

Award Amount:

The $1000.00 scholarship award will be paid at the beginning of the student’s first semester at their college of choice.

Application Deadline:

This complete application pattern must be submitted by April 20, 2016.

Link for more information:

Contact Information:

If you have any problem regarding to Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship contact 800-846-9023 or




A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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