Le Moyne College Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship

Le Moyne College is pleased to offer a scholarship program named as “Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship” for talented juniors and seniors majoring in STEM fields. The candidates must graduate with a major in a STEM discipline and obtain teacher certification or be licensing upon completion of the program. Le Moyne College provides the financial support to the students so that students receive an education not just inspirational, forward thinking, and timeless, but affordable. Le Moyne College provides $15,000 award amount in each of the final two years at Le Moyne.

Le Moyne College, named after Jesuit missionary Simon LeMoyne, is a private Jesuit college in Syracuse, New York, enrolling over 3,500 undergraduate and graduate students.  Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1946, Le Moyne is the first Jesuit College to be founded as a co-educational institution. The College is the second-youngest of the twenty-eight Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States and is the only comprehensive Catholic college in Central New York.


To be eligible, the student must possess

  • Must be U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident alien.
  • Enrolled in a STEM Baccalaureate degree program with an education concentration.
  • Must graduate with a major in a STEM discipline and obtain teacher certification or licensing upon completion of the program.
  • Be prepared to teach in a qualified high-need school district such as, but not limited to, Syracuse City School District for two years for each full year of a scholarship received.
  • Students from underrepresented backgrounds and those who may not have previously considered a career in K-12 STEM teaching are particularly encouraged.

How to Apply:

Students who are interested in applying please submit following documents

  • Academic transcripts (with 3.0 GPA in STEM and education).
  • A personal statement (no more than 2 pages) explaining why you would like to be a Noyce Scholar.
  • Two letters of reference (one focusing on STEM aspects and one focusing on teaching or education-related experiences) submitted directly to Wen Ma at maw-at-lemoyne.edu.
  • Full contact information, including your home address, email address, and phone number by which you may be reached.

Submitting Details:

You can email your full application packet as one file to maw-at-lemoyne.edu

Financial Aid and Award Money:             

Each Noyce Scholar will receive $15,000 a year ($7,500 for the fall semester, $7,500 for the spring semester and $1,500 for the J-mester) in each of the final two years at Le Moyne.

Application Deadline: 

Deadline for the application submission is July 14, 2017.

Link for More Information:


Contact Information:

  • Wen Ma, Ph.D. Email: maw-at-lemoyne.edu, Phone: 445-4784
  • Hilary McManus, Ph.D. Email: mcmanuha-at-lemoyne.edu, Phone: 445-4425
  • Jonathan Needleman, Ph.D. Email: needlejs-at-lemoyne.edu, Phone: 445-4371
A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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