Kress History of Art Institutional Fellowships

The Samuel H. Kress Foundation is pleased to announce the Kress History of Art: Institutional Fellowships to help diversify the next generation of art historians, art conservators, and art museum professionals. In order to apply, the applicant must be U.S. citizens or individuals matriculated at an American university. The Kress Foundation supports a range of fellowships in art history, conservation, museum education and intended to provide promising young art historians with the opportunity to experience just this kind of immersion.The fellows of the Institutional fellowships will receive up to $30,000 award.

The Samuel H. Kress Foundation was established in 1929. Their mission at the Samuel H. Kress Foundation is to sustain and carry out the original vision of our founder, Samuel H. Kress (1863-1955). They support the work of individuals and institutions engaged in the appreciation, interpretation, preservation, study, and teaching of the history of European art and architecture from antiquity to the dawn of the modern era.


  • Restricted to pre-doctoral candidates in the history of art and related disciplines (such as archaeology, architecture, or classics)
  • Nominees must be U.S. citizens or individuals matriculated at an American university. Dissertation research must focus on European art from antiquity to the early 19th century.
  • Candidates must be nominated by their academic department.
  • Note: Each university is limited to two nominees per academic department. The nominees must be applying for different research centers.

How to Apply:

To apply, the applicant must download the application through the given link:

The following list of requirements should be included by the applicant in this order:

  • Summary of the proposed dissertation research project (Maximum length five (5) pages)
  • Annotated bibliography containing works of primary concern to the proposed topic (Maximum length five (5) pages)
  • A description of the proposed research plan, emphasizing the need to be at the institution you have You may also include, if appropriate, a description of proposed extended travel within Europe (Maximum length three (3) pages)
  • A budget indicating the major anticipated expenses for the fellowship period
  • A description of the work completed on the dissertation. (Maximum length one (1) page)
  • A brief description of any previous research and travel experience abroad, with particular emphasis on familiarity with libraries and research facilities abroad. (Maximum length two (2) pages)
  • A list of languages in which you are you proficient and to what extent (conversational, reading, writing, elementary, intermediate, fluent).
  • A list of all other grants for which you are applying including the name of the award, the amount for which you are applying, and the time period and aspect of your project that this award would cover

Supporting Documents:

The following items should be attached to your application in this order:

  • A copy of your current curriculum vitae
  • An official, sealed transcript from the university where you received your MA
  • Three (3) letters of evaluation, of which one (1) must be from the Chairperson of the academic department nominating you. Letters must be sealed and signed across the flap and must be returned to you for submission with your application package. Ask those providing letters of reference to submit one (1) copy with their original letter.

Submitting Details:

One (1) copy of all the above materials should also be sent in a single packet to the Kress Foundation:

Samuel H. Kress Foundation
174 East 80th Street
New York, NY 10075

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Six pre-doctoral Kress Institutional Fellowships in the History of European Art will be awarded each year. Each fellowship provides for a two-year research appointment hosted by one of the following European art history research centers:

  • Florence KunsthistorischesInstitut / Institute for Art History
  • Leiden Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS)
  • London Courtauld Institute of Art & Warburg Institute of Art (jointly administered)
  • Munich ZentralinstitutfürKunstgeschichte / Central Institute for Art History
  • Paris Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) / National Institute for the History of Art
  • Rome Bibliotheca Hertziana

The fellowship award is $30,000 per annum.

Application Deadline:

The complete applications are must be received no later than November 30, 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have any question, contact to Samuel H. Kress Foundation (212) 861 4993 or

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