Italian-American Chamber Of Commerce Midwest Scholarship

In some cases, the costs associated with attending college may keep achieving the dream of earning a degree out of reach for some students. As a result, The Italian American Chamber of Commerce – Midwest (IACC) is offering a wonderful opportunity to full-time students of residents of the State of Illinois, of Italian ancestry. Scholarships are available to both member and non-members of the Chamber. The winning candidates will get $1000 scholarship that can be used for education purposes only.

The primary goals of The Italian American Chamber of Commerce – Midwest (IACC) are promoting the member activities as well as promoting trade relations between Italy and the United States, with a particular focus on the Midwest region of the United States.


• Must be a resident of the State of Illinois. At least one parent must be of Italian ancestry, and the applicant must be a full-time student between the last year of high school and last year of a fully accredited 4-year college or university.
• Must show proof of a minimum grade point average as follows: 3.5 on a 4 point scale or 4.5 on a 5 point scale.

How to Apply:

The candidates can download scholarship application form through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

• A letter including a biographical account of themselves, explanation of their Italian ancestry and their reason for wanting the scholarship and to what purpose they plan to use it.
• Two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher and one from their counselor.
• The most recent transcript of school credits available.
• The photo in color or black and white.

Submitting Details:

Print application from the web and send all documents together to:

Italian American Chamber of Commerce
500 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 506
Chicago, IL 60611

Award Amount:

$1,000 scholarship award will be given to the winning candidates.

Application Deadline:

Applications begin now and end on July 31, of each year. Winners will be notified by September 30, of each year.

Link for More Information:!scholarships/cayx

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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