The HMS Academy Fellowship in Medical Education

The Academy at Harvard Medical School is pleased to announce a Request for Applications for one-year fellowships in medical education for the Fellowship period July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018. The HMS Academy Medical Education Fellowship provides educators with dedicated time to develop the expertise and skills needed to advance academic careers in medical education and medical education research. The winning candidates will get $20,000 stipend.

The mission of Harvard Medical School is to create and nurture a diverse community of the best people committed to leadership in alleviating human suffering caused by disease


Candidates must possess an MD or Ph.D., be active members of the HMS faculty, and hold the academic rank of Instructor or higher and have:

  • A minimum of 2 years active teaching experience at HMS at the UME or GME level
  • Ability to devote the necessary time to the fellowship activities and academic project
  • Applicants with leadership roles in HMS courses/clerkships and/or GME programs are encouraged to apply and are viewed as particularly strong candidates

How to Apply:

Applying for the scholarship, the candidates are required to complete the online scholarship application form:

Supporting Documents:

  • Cover Letter: A cover letter that includes a personal statement outlining your career goals and what you hope to gain through an Academy Fellowship in Medical Education
  • CV: A copy of your Curriculum Vitae
  • Project Proposal: A description [no longer than 2-4 pages] of a project you would conduct during the fellowship year, including:
  1. Goals of the project
  2. The problem it addresses and who will benefit
  3. Barriers
  4. Resources required
  5. How the project will be evaluated
  • Salary Source Statement: A statement indicating your salary sources and how you would free up 10% of your time to devote to the fellowship for one year. This plan must be reviewed and approval documented by your department chair or division chief
  • Department Chair Recommendation: A letter of recommendation and statement of support from your department chair and/or division chief, including a commitment to free 10% of your time from other responsibilities to pursue your fellowship project and meet with Fellowship leaders monthly
  • Project Mentor Letter of Recommendation/ Letter of Support: The Project Mentor should write a letter of recommendation attesting to your commitment to and involvement in medical education. The project mentor should also indicate his/her commitment to overseeing the project and to spending adequate time mentoring the applicant.
  • One Additional Letter Of Recommendation: One additional letter of recommendation from a Harvard faculty member who can attest to your commitment to and involvement in medical education.

Submitting Details:

  • All applications materials can email to the Academy:
  • The three recommendations can be emailed directly to the Academy:

Financial Aid and Award Money:

Funding is available through the Morgan-Zinsser, Curtis Prout, and Jackson Academy Fellowship Fund endowments. The stipend is $20,000.

Application Deadline:

The application is due at 5 PM Monday, March 6, 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have questions about The HMS Academy Medical Education Fellowship, please contact The Academy at


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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