College is a dream for thousands of high school graduates every year, but the costs associated with attending college makes it difficult for some hopeful students. Every middle school and high school student in the state of Wyoming is available for the Hathaway Scholarship. Learn more about the Wyoming scholarship.

Every year, thousands of Wyoming high school graduates have the dream of attending college, but for many, it’s difficult to come up with adequate funding. The Hathaway Scholarship was designed to help eligible Wyoming students make a college education a reality.

We will tell you more about the scholarship, who’s eligible, how to apply, and other features that make it so unique for Wyoming residents.

The History of the Hathaway Scholarship

Hathaway Scholarship

In 1974, Wyoming Governor Stanley Hathaway created the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund, which supported various state government operations, such as post-secondary education throughout the state.

In 2005, Wyoming lawmaker created a scholarship, naming it after Hathaway, which was part of a $400 million permanent endowment fund. Since it was created, the scholarship has allowed eligible high school graduates to attend the University of Wyoming or any of the community colleges throughout the state.

Who’s Eligible For The Hathaway Scholarship?

Even though every middle and high school student is eligible for the scholarship, eligibility may change depending on a student’s financial needs or academic record before graduating high school.

Hathaway Scholarship

For students to receive a homeschool education, they have until the age of 21 to apply for the scholarship. Homeschool graduates must meet the scholarship curriculum requirements and have ACT score results available when applying.

Students who receive a High School Equivalency Certificate (HSEC) may apply for the scholarship but cannot apply before the natural graduation date (unless court ordered). Students who are interested in the scholarship must initiate the application within two years of the natural graduation date.

For more information regarding Home School students visit the FAQ section and for a HSEC, visit the scholarship’s HSEC section.

The Four Levels of the Hathaway Scholarship

As with every scholarship geared towards high school graduates, there are specific eligibility requirements. Here are the four levels of the scholarship and the eligibility requirements for each one. Most requirements only pertain to grades 9 through 12. For complete details visit the site for online resources.


  • $1,680 is the maximum award amount per semester
  • The scholarship can be used at UW or a Wyoming community college
  • 4 years of Language Arts
  • 4 years of Math
  • 3 years of Social Studies
  • 4 years of Science
  • 2 years of Foreign Language (must be two years in a row)
  • ACT score of 25
  • Additional requirements may vary


  • $1,260 is the maximum award amoaunt per semester
  • The scholarship can be used at UW or a Wyoming community college
  • 4 years of Language Arts
  • 4 years of Math
  • 3 years of Social Studies
  • 2 years of Foreign Language (must be two years in a row)
  • ACT score of 21
  • Additional requirements may vary


  • $840 is the maximum award amount per semester
  • The scholarship can be used at UW or a Wyoming community college
  • 4 years of Language Arts
  • 4 years of Math
  • 3 years of Social Studies
  • 4 years of Science
  • No Foreign Language
  • ACT score of 19
  • Additional requirements may vary


  • $840 is the maximum award amount per semester for four full-time semesters
  • The scholarship can be used at UW or a Wyoming community college
  • All subjects must meet current high school requirements
  • ACT score of 17
  • Additional requirements may vary

Requirements For College Students With the Scholarship

Hathaway Scholarship


If an eligible high school student receives the Hathaway Scholarship, there are some requirements to consider while attending to college to keep the scholarship.

Depending on the level of scholarship you receive you must receive a minimum GPA. The Provisional must have a GPA of 2.25 or higher, and the Opportunity must have at least 2.25. Students must have continuous enrollment, which means that they must enroll in classes every fall and spring semester.

Scholarship students must also enroll in and complete at least six non-remedial credits (if a part-time student) or twelve non-remedial credits if a full-time student.

Applying For The Hathaway Scholarship

It’s important to keep in mind that even though every middle and high school is initially eligible for the scholarship, they may lose eligibility if their academic performance does not meet Hathaway’s requirements.

Hathaway Scholarship


Since the Hathaways Scholarship is a state-wide opportunity, you can apply for the scholarship when you apply at any of the colleges throughout the state of Wyoming. For instance, if you apply to the University of Wyoming these are the following steps for applying for the scholarship:

  • ?Apply to UW and pay the $40 application fee, it’s best to apply early in the year
  • Send a current copy of your high school transcript and ACT/SAT score to the admissions office of UW
  • Initial decisions about the scholarship are based on GPA and test scores; final decisions will be made after receiving the final transcript
  • You will send in the final transcript and other relevant information upon graduation
  • If you receive the scholarship aware you may need to fill out FAFSA

Resources For Parents

While Wyoming students become automatically eligible for the scholarship as soon as they start middle school, there is no guarantee that they will be granted the scholarship during their final years in high school.

Parents can help their children have academic success to improve their chances of receiving the scholarship. When parents visit the scholarship site, they have the option to download PDFs, which include a planning guide and the class requirement list.

Tips For Students From Hathaway Scholarship

Governor Hathaway valued education and thought that every student deserved the chance at a post-secondary education. In the spirit of Hathaway’s wish for all Wyoming students, the scholarship site has plenty of helpful tips for students of all ages.

Choosing The Right Path

Although college is a goal for many high school students, many don’t know if they should attend or what they want to study. By using the Decision Tree online tool, students can get a better idea of how they might want to focus their studies once they begin college. Even if students don’t stick with their original plan, the online tool is a great starting point.

Hathaway Scholarship


7th and 8th Graders

In middle school, college may seem far away, but it’s never too early to start preparing for a chance at getting the scholarship. Here are some tips for 7th and 8th graders from the experts at Hathaway:

  • Work on improving language arts, math, and consider starting a foreign language in 8th grade
  • Participate in a GEAR UP program
  • Talk to your school counselor about class options
  • Start thinking about what you might want to do in college
  • Talk to your parents about a college savings plan (529 plan)
  • Get involved at school and extracurricular activities


High school freshmen, who are interested in receiving the scholarship, should start thinking about where they would like to attend school in Wyoming (either the University of Wyoming or one of the seven community colleges).

Maintaining a good GPA and getting involved in school and other extracurricular activities are strongly encouraged.


Not only should Hathaway candidates continue to maintain good grades, but this is the time to start preparing for the ACT and talk to the school counselor about taking advanced high school classes. These courses may include AP (Advanced Placement), IB (International Baccalaureate), or Concurrent/Dual Enrollment classes.


Even students who are confident that they will receive the scholarship, it’s important to check out additional grants, scholarships, and start looking into financial aid options. Even though the Hathaway is the only state scholarship, there may be others that you are eligible for (in addition to the Hathaway).

Junior year is also an ideal time to attend college fairs, take college tours, and talk to admissions offices about scholarships, financial aid, and other important information.

Study for the ACT and take it, as it’s required for the Hathaway and most colleges. Continue maintaining a good GPA and get involved in your community or activities at school.


Senior year is all about wrapping things up, such as making sure that you’ve taken all the courses required for the scholarship. Seniors can also re-take the ACT, and if you haven’t chosen a college, it’s time to decide where you’ll go and other things related to the first year of college.

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