GRHS Youth Essay Contest

An International GRHS Essay Contest is sponsored by the Germans from Russia Heritage Society. The contest is intended to encourage students from around the world to learn about the history and culture of the German-Russians, people who emigrated from Germany into Russia during the 18th and 19th centuries. Winning contestants will be invited to receive their awards at a luncheon held in their honor during the GRHS Convention on 16-19 July 2015 at Bismarck, ND.

Germans from Russia Heritage Society was founded on January 9, 1971 under the name North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia (NDHSGR).


This GRHS Essay Contest is open to all students attending public, private, parochial, or home schools, and to students attending accredited universities, as full time undergraduate students

International winners will be chosen in each of the following categories:

  • Middle School…6th thru 8th grade.
  • High School…9th thru 12th grade.
  • High School Senior.
  • University or College Undergraduate, limited to undergraduate students enrolled full-time in degree-seeking programs.

How to Apply:

For applying the contest, the candidates must complete the entry form through the given link:

Submit an essay. Essay topics may include any and all aspects of German-Russian heritage including:

  • Cultural Anthropology of the German-Russians.
  • Historical analysis of the reasons for the Diaspora (scatter) of the German-Russians.
  • German-Russian history in the Americas and Canada.
  • German-Russian history in Russia, the Soviet Union, loss of Soviet citizenship, labor camps in the Soviet Union, and labor camps in England and France after World War II .
  • Personal family history, insofar as it relates to German-Russian history and culture.

Format for the entries may include:

  • Research papers, including persuasive works and/or historical analysis.
  • Creative writing, including short stories, fictional diaries, plays, historical fiction, and descriptive prose. Creative writing endeavors should evidence an exploration and understanding of German Russian history and culture.
  • Genealogical history of a particular family including individual histories of ancestors.
  • Digital Media, including but not limited to PowerPoint, short film, and website design.

Submitting Details:

  • You can mail the entry form and essay to:

Cameron Nicklaus,

Chairman GRHS Youth Committee

4330 Iroquois Dr.

Pasadena, TX 77504

  • Essays and entry forms may be sent by e-mail to:

Award Amount:

Winners in each category will receive the following:

  • Middle School: 1st place Trophy and $150, 2nd Place Runner-Up Trophy and $100.
  • High School: 1st place Trophy and $150, 2nd Place Runner-Up Trophy and $100.
  • High School Senior Scholarship: Trophy and a $300 Gwen Pritzkau scholarship will be awarded to the highest scoring high school senior entry. This scholarship is provided by the Heritage Foundation for Germans from Russia.
  • University: Trophy and a $1000 scholarship will be awarded to the highest scoring university entry, 2nd place will receive a Runner-Up Trophy and $250.

Application Deadline:

Completed essay and entry form must postmarked by March 31, 2017.

Link for More Information:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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