The GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship Award

The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Foundation is pleased to announce the GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship Award to support the students who demonstrate evidence of outstanding research accomplishments. Any full-time 3rd, 4th, or 5th-year graduate student, who is in good academic standing and is performing well into their dissertation research, will be eligible for the GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship.The mission of the Foundation is to foster and promote the profession of pharmacy, pharmaceutical education, and research exclusively at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. The GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship Award provides $12,000 to support graduate training.

The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Foundation was established in December 1946 to support the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. The Foundation secures financial resources for the betterment of the School in its quest to transform the teaching and learning of pharmacy.


The GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship will be strategically awarded to applicants who:

  • Have made an outstanding contribution to the graduate program
  • Demonstrate evidence of outstanding research accomplishments
  • If the awardee is receiving, will receive, or does receive additional external support, total funding may not exceed the full stipend amount currently in effect for pharmaceutical sciences graduate students in the School of Pharmacy
  • Have the potential for a highly successfully career that will have a major impact on advances in health care

How to Apply:

In order to apply for the GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship, the candidates may submit the following material:

  • Research Description
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Two letters of recommendation

Research Description:

Briefly, describe your dissertation research project and your progress toward completion. Address your research description to an audience of intelligent reviewers who may not be familiar with your field. Clearly, explain the importance of your research to a lay audience. Do not use jargon or technical, field-specific terminology

Format: Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, numbered pages, your name on each page.

Abstract: Summary of your research, No more than 1/2 page, Double-spaced

Progression and Financial Support Summary (~1/2 page):

  • Submit a short summary of your progression in the program (i.e. I am in my 4th year and met with my dissertation committee on December 10, 2016, any incomplete grades, etc.)
  • List any current fellowships or financial awards you are currently receiving

Background and Research Design: No more than 3 pages, Double-spaced

Depending on your field of study, include:

  • Background: A summary of key literature, General concepts o Frame of reference for your study, your research questions
  • Methodology and Research Design: Description of the data or other materials which will be/have been collected and analyzed, Methods of collection and analysis, Design considerations, Description of any necessary approvals, such as Human Subjects Review

Research Progress, Work Plan, and Timetable:

  • Describe your research progress made to date and your planned sequence of tasks to be completed, with estimated timetable.
  • No more than one page

Submitting Details:

The complete applications and accompanying materials (include your CV as well) should be sent directly to

Financial Aid and Award Money:

  • The one year GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship Award provides $12,000tosupport graduate training.
  • Upto$1,000.00 of the award may go towards non-stipend expenditures (i.e. incidentals directly associated with dissertation research preparation such as computer software, books, and travel to scientific research meetings, etc.), while the remaining funds will go towards stipend support for the awardee.
  • If the awardee receives additional external financial support, the student’s total funding may not exceed the current stipend amount in effect for all doctoral students in pharmaceutical sciences.

Application Deadline:

Apply for the GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship Award and submit all admission materials by March 17, 2017, at 12:00 pm.

Link for More Information:

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