Free Online Course on How to Succeed at Interviews

The University of Sheffield would like to announce free online course named as “How to succeed at Interviews”. This three-week free online course provides the tools you need to succeed at interviews and land your dream job or course place.

The course is highly participative and includes articles for you to read, videos to watch and interactive material with tips to help you better understand how to prepare for your interview. There will also be discussions where you can learn from and support each other, self-reflective exercises and quizzes. The course will start on February 27, 2017.

Course At A Glance

  1. Length: 3 weeks
  2. Effort: 3 hours pw
  3. Subject: Interviews
  4. Institution: The University of Sheffield
  5. Languages: English
  6. Price:  Free
  7. Certificate Available: Yes
  8. Session: The course will start on February 27, 2017

Providers Details

  • About University: The University of Sheffield is one of the world’s top 100 universities with a reputation for teaching and research excellence. The University of Sheffield’s diverse student population of nearly 25,000 of the brightest students from 117 countries learns alongside over 1,200 of the world’s top academics.
  • Aim of University: The aim of the university is to examine the impact of the division between further and higher education on strategies to widen participation in undergraduate education.


This course is designed for anyone applying for jobs or courses. It will be of particular interest to those in the early stages of their career, or those who are out of practice and need to update their skills. No prior knowledge or expertise is needed.

About This Course

  • Benefits: This course has been designed and developed to help you to succeed at interviews, whether you are applying for jobs or planning to study. The language of the course is English.
  • Importance of the Subject in Today’s Scenario: Interviews are important because they offer a chance for companies and job applicants to learn if they might fit well together. Candidates generally go into interviews hoping to prove that they have the mindset and qualifications to perform the job in question.

How to Join This Course

  • You should register yourself through the given link to join this free on-line course:
  • Use the hashtag#FLinterviews to join and contribute to social media conversations about this course.

Why Take This Course

  • Advantage of Course: The course will help you to prepare for different types of the interview including how to make an impression via telephone or video or within a group setting. The course will also help you prepare for tests and practical work that may be included as part of the interview process.
  • Certificate: A Statement of Participation is a certificate that you can buy, to show that you’ve completed a Future Learn course. You’ll get your Statement in both digital and printed formats

Learning Outcomes

  • Throughout the free online course, you’ll be encouraged to collect a portfolio of your work.
  • The course is helpful to you prepare for different types of interview including how to make an impression
  • The course will help you prepare for tests and practical work that may be included as part of the interview process.
  • The free online course gives you some tips, will help you to better understand how to prepare for your interview.


  • Steve McCarthy: Media Information Officer at the University of Sheffield Careers Service. Interested in learning technology and digital media, and Social Media.
  • Marcus Zientek: Careers Adviser. Writes and edits careers guides for the University of Sheffield and is Careers Service Co-ordinator for the Faculty of Social Sciences.
  • Alison Clay: She is a Careers Adviser at the University of Sheffield Careers Service providing advice to help their service users become more confident when writing applications or approaching interviews.
  • Pamela Hafekost and Hilary Jones: Pamela Hafekost is the Information Systems Manager and Hilary Jones is the PGT / PGR Placements Officer at the Careers Service

Suggested Reading

No specific knowledge or education background is assumed for the free online course.

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  • By the end of the three weeks, you will have the confidence to perform at your very best at interview.Throughout the course, you’ll be encouraged to collect a portfolio of your work which will help you with future interviews.
  • Your Statement provides a summary of what you’ve learned and how long it took, giving you official evidence to show employers, buy a Statement add it to their CV or resume.

Detailed Information

For more information about the course, you can check the given link:

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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