Free Online Course On Life of Happiness and Fulfillment

Indian School of Business is inviting you to join free online course named as “A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment”. The aim of the course is providing you the science of happiness, knowledge theories, Habits about happiness and how to can you implement them in your life.

The course draws content from a variety of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral decision theory to offer a tested and practical recipe for leading a life of happiness and fulfillment.The course starts on 13 Feb 2017.

Course At A Glance

  1. Length: 6 weeks
  2. Effort:  2-3 hours/week
  3. Subject:
  4. Institution:  Indian School of Business
  5. Languages: English, Subtitles: Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Vietnamese, Russian, Spanish
  6. Price:  Free
  7. Certificate Available: Yes
  8. Session: The course will starts on 13 Feb 2017.

Providers Details

  • About University: The Indian School Of Business (ISB) evolved from the need for a world-class business school in Asia. The founders, some of the best minds from the corporate and academic worlds, anticipated the leadership needs of the emerging Asian economies.
  • Aim of University: The aim or vision of the Indian School of Business is to be an internationally top-ranked, research-driven, independent management institution that grooms future leaders for India and the world.


There are no prerequisites for the course.

About This Course

Benefits: If you think that what are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life?  Hence you should join this course. The course draws content from a variety of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral decision theory to offer a tested and practical recipe for leading a life of happiness and fulfillment. The language of the course is English.

Importance of the Subject in Today’s Scenario: Happiness is as so important to us, both as individuals and as the world, primarily because happiness is really all there is.  As human beings, although we possess cognitive abilities and are highly “thought” oriented, the quality of our lives is ultimately entirely determined by our emotions.

How to Join This Course

To join this free on-line course you can sign up yourself through the given link:

Course Format

Week 1

  • Module 1: Course intro and happiness measurement, 6 videos, 6 readings
  • Module 2: The 1st sin, habit, and exercise, 7 videos, 7 readings.

Week 2

Module 3: The 2nd sin, habit, and exercise, 13 videos, 6 readings.

Week 3

Module 4: The 3rd sin, habit and exercise, 13 videos, 7 readings.

Week 4

Module 5: The 4th sin, habit and exercise, 13 videos, 3 readings.

Week 5

  • Module 6: The 5th sin, habit and exercise, 6 videos, 3 readings.
  • Module 7: The 6th sin, habit, and exercise, 7 videos, 5 readings

Week 6

  • Module 8: The 7th sin, habit, and exercise, 11 videos, 1 reading.
  • Module 9: Summary and concluding Remarks, 4 videos, 1 reading.

Why Take This Course

  • Advantage: You will gain a deeper understanding of the science of happiness. In the course you will learn The 7 Happiness Sustaining Strategies, the course teaches you a LOT of valuable lessons and resources for applying to your life.
  • Certificate: You can get a course certificate If you will pay for the certificate.

Learning Outcomes

By taking this course, you will discover the answers to questions such as:

  • Why aren’t the smart-and-the-successful as happy as they could—or should—be
  • What are the “7 Deadly Happiness Sins” that even the smart and the successful commit? and
  • What are the “7 Habits of the Highly Happy” and how can you implement them in your life?


Dr. Rajagopal Raghunathan: He is visiting Professor of Marketing at the Indian School of Business and Professor of Marketing at the McCombs school of Business, the University of Texas at Austin.

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  • This course contains some great, potentially life-changing advice the recommendations and ideas from this course are key for enhancing happiness and for a better understanding of yourselves. By the end of the course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the science of happiness
  • Your Certificate shows your name, your course, the logo of the organization offering it, plus any professional associations endorsing it, and the lead educator’s signature. You can easily add it to your LinkedIn profile, CV or resume.

Detailed Information

For more information about the course, you can check the given link:


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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