Free Online Course on Global Health

Grab the Opportunity by joining this “Global Health Informatics to Improve Quality of Care” free online course that is sponsored by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The course is aimed to give you the knowledge that how to design health information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for the developing world.

This course will explore innovations in information systems in developing countries, and focus not only on the importance of technology, but also on broader issues necessary for its success, such as quality improvement, project management, and leadership skills. The course will start on February 21, 2017.

Course At A Glance

  1. Length: 10 weeks
  2. Effort:  2-3 hours per week
  3. Subject:  Medicine
  4. Institution:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITx)
  5. Languages: English
  6. Price:  Free
  7. Certificate Available: Yes
  8. Session: The course will start on February 21, 2017

Providers Details

  • About University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology — a coeducational, privately endowed research university founded in 1861 — is dedicated to advancing knowledge and educating students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
  • Aim of University: The mission of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century. We are also driven to bring knowledge to bear on the world’s great challenges.


There is none of Eligibility or prerequisites for the course are required, just an interest in health information.

About This Course

  • Benefits: This course is targeted toward individuals interested in designing or implementing a health information and communication technology (ICT) solution in the developing world. Implementing a health information technology project requires multidisciplinary teams. The language of the course is English.
  • Importance of the Subject in Today’s Scenario: Global health plays an increasingly crucial role in both global security and the security of the U.S. population. As the world and its economies become increasingly globalized, including extensive international travel and commerce, it is necessary to think about health in a global context. Rarely a week goes by without a headline about the emergence or re-emergence of an infectious disease or other health threat somewhere in the world.

How to Join This Course

You should register yourself through the given link to join this free on-line course:

Why Take This Course

  • Advantage of Course: The quality of care theme is critical to this course. The first step stakeholders in health systems should focus on prior to introducing an innovation is to establish a culture of quality improvement and patient safety. Ultimately, health care delivery systems require fundamental and sound operations, such as physical infrastructure and supply-chain management, to deliver high-quality care. Technology is simply a tool to help facilitate this process.
  • Certificate: You can pursue a Verified Certificate to highlight the knowledge and skills you gain ($49). You can easily add the certificate to your CV or resume, or post it directly on LinkedIn

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course you will be able to know:

  • Global health burden
  • Design thinking
  • Health informatics
  • Software development process
  • Evaluation and monitoring


  • Leo Anthony Celi MD SM MPH:  He holds a faculty position at Harvard Medical School as an intensive care specialist at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and is the clinical research director for the Laboratory of Computational Physiology (LCP) at MIT.
  • Alon Dagan MD: He is an Emergency Medicine Physician with a background in biomedical engineering. He is interested in developing pragmatic and innovative tools for addressing the complex problems facing healthcare in the developing world.
  • Rodrigo Deliberato MD PhD: He is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology focusing on secondary analysis of electronic health record data from critically ill patients.
  • Kenneth Eugene Paik: He is a clinical informatician driving quality improvement and democratizing access through technology innovation, combining a multidisciplinary background in medicine, artificial intelligence, business management, and technology strategy.
  • Tom Pollard: He is a Postdoctoral Associate at the MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology. Most recently he has been working with colleagues to release MIMIC-III, an openly-accessible critical care database.
  • Jesse Raffa: He is a research scientist in the Lab for Computational Physiology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, USA.

Suggested Reading

No specific knowledge or education background is assumed for the free online course.

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  • An information system without an accompanying organizational transformation risks reinforcing the same failed processes. Using technology to improve access to care without any other quality improvement elements will yield the same and not necessarily better results, but more of them. Innovations need to address gaps in quality and demonstrate improvement in health outcomes, otherwise they won’t sustain or scale.
  • Receive an instructor-signed certificate with the institution’s logo to verify your achievement and increase your job prospects, add the certificate to your CV or resume, or post it directly on LinkedIn.

Detailed Information

For more information about the course, you can check the given link:!

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