Free Online Course on English Composition

Arizona State University is pleased to introduce “English Composition: Research and Writing” free online course. The course designed to learn that how to design, develop, research, and execute a writing project from inception to completion in this credit-eligible course.

This writing course introduces students to discourse, research, and research writing for the purpose of proposing solutions to problems. Rather than learning about these subjects in the abstract, students will learn by engaging with local problems and issues in their communities. The course starts on March 13, 2017.

Course At A Glance

  1. Length: 8 weeks
  2. Effort: 18 hours per week
  3. Subject:  Communication
  4. Institution:  Arizona State University (ASUx)
  5. Languages:  English
  6. Price:  Free
  7. Certificate Available: Yes
  8. Session: The course starts on March 13, 2017

Providers Details

  • Arizona State University has developed a new model for the American Research University, creating an institution that is committed to excellence, access, and impact.
  • As a comprehensive public research university, ASU is measured not by whom we exclude, but rather by whom we include and how they succeed, advancing research and discovery of public value, and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities serve.


  • Proficiency in English
  • ENG101x English Composition is recommended but not required

About This Course

  • Benefits: This is a unique English course because students will directly learn about the power and pleasures of writing. By engaging with local questions and problems, students will have the opportunity to enter into important discussions and possibly create meaningful changes in the lives of those around them. The language of the course is English.
  • Importance of the Subject in Today’s Scenario: English Composition is an essential subject for all college majors because it develops analytical thinking by students tempting to think beyond the obvious and use critically to explore other possibilities. The views expressed are articulated and expressed in the format of the composition. One of the methods used to develop these skills is reflected by the reading of short stories.

How to Join This Course

You should register yourself through the given link to join this free on-line course:

Why Take This Course

  • Advantage of Course: This course will interest individuals who want to learn more about how to create change in the world through research and writing. This class will also interest those who want to learn how to compose in a digital environment.
  • Certificate: Become eligible for academic credit and highlight your new skills and knowledge with a verified certificate. Use this valuable credential to qualify for academic credit from Arizona State University, advance your career, or strengthen your school applications.

Learning Outcomes

After accomplishing the course you will gain the knowledge:

  • Rhetorical Knowledge
  • Critical Reading, Thinking, and Composing
  • Writing Processes
  • Knowledge of Writing Conventions


  • Adam Pacton: He earned his MA in Literary Studies from East Tennessee State University and received his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
  • Duane Roen: Roen has been interested in how people learn to write. Since his days as an undergraduate, he has been interested in how teachers can help students learn to write.

Suggested Reading

Basic knowledge of English.

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  • In this free online course students will learn how to conduct research, write about a particular issue, and construct a call to action based on their Students will create a digital portfolio that enables them to publish and share their research and writing. Through the course, you will be able to know that how to design, develop, research, and execute a writing project from inception to completion
  • The Certificate and transcript give you evidence to show during job or university applications, or appraisals. Receive an instructor-signed certificate with the institution’s logo, add the certificate to your CV or resume, or post it directly on LinkedIn

Detailed Information

For more information about the course, you can check the given link:!

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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