Free Online Course on Analytics for Decision Making

The free online course named as “Analytics for Decision Making” is provided by Babson College. The course is aimed to tackle the world of big data and learn to analyze various data types and quality to make smart business decisions.

The course keeps the focus on the ideas that really matter, and we illustrate them with lively, practical, accessible examples. In this course you will understand the ways in which quantitative models really work, however, is a management level skill that is unlikely to go out of style.The course will start on March 21, 2017.

Course At A Glance

  1. Length: 4 weeks
  2. Effort:   4-6 hours per week
  3. Subject:   Business & Management
  4. Institution:  Babson College
  5. Languages: English
  6. Price:  Free
  7. Certificate Available: Yes
  8. Session: The course will start on March 21, 2017.

Providers Details

  • About University: Babson College is a private business school in Wellesley, Massachusetts, established in 1919. Babson’s central focus on entrepreneurship education has made it the most prestigious entrepreneurship college in the United States.
  • Aim of University: The Babson aimed to be the preeminent institution in the world for Entrepreneurial Thought & Action and known for it. The college wants to expand the notion of entrepreneurship to embrace and celebrate entrepreneurs of all kinds.


No specific knowledge or education background is assumed for the free online course.

About This Course

  • Benefits: The free online course explore questions like: How are traditional statistical methods still relevant in modern analytics applications? How can we avoid common fallacies and misconceptions when approaching quantitative problems? How do we apply statistical methods in predictive applications? How do we gain a better understanding of customer engagement through analytics? The language of the course is English.
  • Importance of the Subject in Today’s Scenario: Analytics refer to the use of skills, technologies, and practices to explore and investigate past performance, gain insight, and drive business decision making. Predictive and descriptive analytics are two methods of using data and statistical methods to assess actual outcomes against target standards and goals.

How to Join This Course

You should register yourself through the given link to join this free on-line course

Why Take This Course

  • Advantage of Course: This course will be is relevant for anyone eager to have a framework for good decision-making. It will be good preparation for students with a bachelor’s degree contemplating graduate study in a business field.
  • Certificate: You can pursuing a Verified Certificate to highlight the knowledge and skills you gain ($49). Add the certificate to your CV or resume, or post it directly on LinkedIn.

Learning Outcomes

  • Variability in the real world and implications for decision making
  • Data types and data quality with appropriate visualizations
  • Apply data analysis to managerial decisions, especially in start-ups
  • Making effective decisions from no data to big data (what should we collect and then what do we do with all this data?)


  • Rick Cleary: Professor Rick Cleary is a statistician and mathematician with research and consulting interests in a variety of fields including sports, biomechanics, and statistical approaches to fraud detection and audit risk.
  • Nathan Karst: He is an avid teacher and researcher, having won Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2014 and Dean’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship in 2015.
  • Davit Khachatryan: He is an Assistant Professor of Statistics and Analytics at Babson College. 
  • George Recck: Mr. Recck has taught at Babson College since 1984. Prior to that, Mr. Recck worked his way toward his undergraduate degree from Babson as a Systems Manager in Babson’s Computer Center.
  • Babak Zafari: Dr. Zafari is an Assistant Professor of Analytics and Statistics in the Math & Science Division. 

Suggested Reading

Knowledge of Algebra is required and helpful during the course

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  • Making good decisions with data can give you a distinct competitive advantage in business. This statistics and data analysis course will help you understand the fundamental concepts of sound statistical thinking that can be applied in surprisingly wide contexts, sometimes even before there are any data Key concepts like understanding variation, perceiving the relative risk of alternative decisions, and pinpointing sources of variation will be highlighted.
  • Your Certificate provides a detailed transcript of what you’ve learned. This includes how long you spent studying the course and your average test score. The Certificate and transcript give you evidence to show during job or university applications, or appraisals.

Detailed Information

 For more information about the course, you can check the given link:!


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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