First Call Youth in/from Care Media Fellowship

First Call BC Child and Youth Advocacy are glad to announce “Youth in/from Care Media Fellowship”. Youth aged 16-30 who accessed services from the Ministry of Children and Family Development or a Delegated Aboriginal Agency between the ages of 0-19 are encouraged to apply for the opportunity. Fellowship mission is to support youth in and from care with paid opportunities to develop their creative media production skills. Fellows will get the opportunity to work with professional journalists to produce stories, spark conversations, and build a movement of thoughtful, impactful child welfare media coverage. $2,000 award amount will be given to the winning candidate.

First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition is a non-partisan coalition of 101 provincial and regional organizations who have united their voices to put children and youth first in BC through public education, community mobilization, and public policy advocacy.


All Scholarship applicants must be:

  • Fellowships are open to youth (aged 16-30) who are in or from “care”, i.e. youth who accessed services from the Ministry of Children and Family Development and/or Delegated Aboriginal Agencies between the ages of 0-19 (as per the Fed’s definition).
  • Fellows will be selected based on:
  1. Their interest in media narratives about child welfare.
  2. Storytelling/media production skills and story ideas.
  3. Passion, curiosity, empathy, and desire for personal growth.

How to Apply:

  • Letter of interest: Tell us why you’d like this opportunity. You can either write a letter (max: 500 words) OR make a short video (max: 4-minutes).
  • CV or resume: Max: two pages
  • Samples of your media work: Send two or three samples of media (e.g. photo essay, short story, infographic, illustration, spoken word recording, etc.) that you produced yourself and feel proud of.
  • References: Who can speak to your skills and passion? Please send contact info (i.e. names, phone numbers and email addresses) for two adult references to

Submitting Details:

The completed material of the scholarship must be submitted to

Financial Aid and Award Money:             

The fellowship winner will get $2,000.

Application Deadline: 

Scholarship submission is due on July 14, 2017.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have any question you can contact Brielle Morgan: 778.903.1982 /


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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