Family Travel Forum Teen Travel Writing Scholarship

Do you have fun travel stories to share? Family Travel Forum’s 11th annual, simple-to-apply for, teen travel blogging scholarship offers cash grants for great writing. Family Travel Forum (FTF) Organization is pleased to announce the FTF Teen Travel Writing Scholarship to encourage teens to share travel experiences in words and images. You are eligible if you are a younger writer, senior who has just graduated high school, college student or anyone else that wants to share a travel tale. Family Travel Forum invites you to submit travel blogs that are serious, funny or contemplative, as long as they are informative. Submit your travel blog today for a chance to win $1,000 towards school and travel.The top winners will receive cash awards of $1000, $500, $250, and twenty finalists will win honorable mention awards and travel gifts.

Family Travel Forum Inc. is a non-profit organization that promotes responsible journalism.It has provided trusted vacation planning resources for traveling the world with kids since 1996. They strive to provide accurate and honest destination research, including firsthand reviews of tropical and ski resorts, reunion destinations, attractions, holiday weekends, family festivals, cruises, and all kinds of vacation ideas.


  • Applicants must be age’s 13-18 and attending grades 8-12.
  • Applicants must be attending junior high or high school in the United States or Canada, or an American international school abroad, or be enrolled in a U.S. homeschool program.
  • Any high school student or 8th-grade student attending school in the United States or Canada, or an American school abroad, or being home-schooled under state guidelines, is eligible to enter the Family Travel Forum Teen Travel Writing Scholarship contest as long as they are 13 to 18-years of age and currently enrolled in school.
  • If you are a younger writer, senior who has just graduated high school, college student or anyone else that wants to share a travel tale, they are welcome you to share your thoughts with all of our community members.
  • If you are attending a junior high or high school in either Canada or the United States, or an International American or military-sponsored school abroad, you are considered eligible for a Family Travel Forum Teen Travel Writing Scholarship.

How to Apply:

To enter, all applicants must sign up for the community prior to submitting an essay. The link is:

Essay Guidelines:

  • Travel blogs must be no more than 600 words in length, and the trip must have been taken in the last five years.
  • Entries must include text and be illustrated by at least one photo, digital artwork or video. (In addition to the personal photograph on your profile).
  • Travel essays must include practical details so that others can follow in your footsteps. Details should include names of attractions, museums, theme parks, resorts, restaurants, the local beach, etc. with URLs as appropriate.

Supporting Documents:

  • Submit your photos, artwork or videos
  • All applicants must complete a profile and include a photograph of themselves.
  • If you are notified that you are a Finalist, you will be contacted by September 11, 2017, and asked to send all the following:
  • A copy of your official transcript from your school
  • A permission letter from your parents if you are under 18.

Submitting Details:

Transcript from and a permission letter- These documents must be received by email, fax or snail mail by September 25, 2017.

  • Sent mail: Family Travel Forum Inc. P.O. Box 20044, New York NY 10025 USA. Or Family Travel Forum Inc.135 West 20th Street, 5th Floor, New York NY 10011 USA.
  • Fax: +1 212.595.6074

Financial Aid and Award Money:

The top winners will receive cash awards as well as a GoBag Travel Bag provided by Allianz Global Assistance USA.  Twenty finalists will win honorable mention awards and travel gifts.

FTF Teen Travel Writing Scholarship will provide an award as the following:

  • First Place: $1,000
  • Second Place: $500
  • Third Place: $250
  • Leading travel insurance provider Allianz Global Assistance USA will also award the top three prize winners a “Go Bag” comprised of a GoPro, portable power pack and a passport holder with RFID protection
  • 20 Honorable Mentions: Travel prizes including a subscription to Lonely Planet magazine which aims to inspire today’s traveler through an immersive storytelling, rich photography, practical advice and accessible travel ideas.

All winners will receive a Family Travel Forum Certificate of Commendation, and selected submissions will be published on Family Travel Forum’s website.

Application Deadline:

The 2017 Family Travel Forum Teen Travel Writing Scholarships deadline is July 14, 2017, at 11:59 PM ET Friday.

Link for More Information:

If you have any question, email to


A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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