The Federation of American Consumers and Travelers (FACT) have excited to announce the 2017 Educational Grant Program. The grant is offered to graduate students from an accredited public, private or parochial high school (or equivalent). This program is primarily designed for the so-called ‘average’ student. It is for the individual who may never have made the honor roll or who didn’t excel on the athletic field, but who sincerely wants to obtain a higher education, but is often overlooked by other scholarship sources. Winners of the “Educational Grant Program” will receive approximately $75,000 respectively.
The Federation of American Consumers and Travelers (FACT) was founded in 1984 by a small group of Midwesterners. For more than two decades, FACT has been developing and refining a benefits package which has true meaning to the value-conscious consumer.
Eligible to apply are students who:
- Graduated from an accredited public, private or parochial high school (or equivalent).
- Are or will be enrolled in an accredited public or private college, university or trade/technical school.
- Not eligible to apply are FACT employees, directors, officers and their relatives.
- Only FACT members and their immediate family members may apply.
- All forms must be printed or written legibly in black ink.
How to Apply:
Applying for the scholarship, the candidates can download the application form through the given link:
Essay guidelines:
Write an essay, up to two pages, on one of the following topics:
- Who has had the biggest influence in your life and why?
- If you had the authority to change your community in a positive way, what specific changes would you make?
- Do you have a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart?
Supporting Documents:
In order to be considered, the following must be submitted to the FACT administrative offices:
- Educational Grant Application Form
- Membership Verification Form (included in the application form)
- Official copy of high school transcript
- Copy of college transcript/grades (not pertinent to all applicants – only those who are currently or have previously taken college courses)
- The completed application form (make sure the membership verification form is completed on the following page)
- A copy of your high school transcript
- An essay
Submitting Details:
Applicant must mail complete application packet to:
FACT Membership Office
P.O. Box 104
Edwardsville, IL 62025
Financial Aid and Award Money:
Approximately $75,000 will be awarded this year to members and their immediate families, with the hope of increasing accessibility to advanced education.
Application Deadline:
All application forms and documentation must be received by Friday, March 31, 2017.
Link for More Information:
Contact Information: If you have any question, email at