The Executive MBA Scholarships

The mission of the Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business is to develop global business leaders and innovators through a high quality, integrated, experiential education that prepares them to add significant value to their organizations and communities. That’s why they are pleased to announce the Executive MBA Scholarships.  There three scholarships available that are Nonprofit Leadership Career Scholarship, Entrepreneurship Career Scholarship, and Martin Bell Nonprofit Scholarship. Students who are currently pursuing a career in nonprofit leadership and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply.

The vision of the Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business is to be recognized as the exceptional graduate school for developing highly successful global business leaders. Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business graduates are coveted professionals, prepared for the challenges of a competitive global economy. They’ve proven themselves through hands-on learning and experiences with top business leaders from around Florida and around the world.


Nonprofit Leadership Career Scholarship

  • Applicants to the Executive MBA Program may apply for the Nonprofit Leadership Career Scholarship
  • Students who are currently pursuing a career in nonprofit leadership.
  • Recipients must maintain good academic standing throughout the duration of the program,
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0.

Entrepreneurship Career Scholarship

  • Applicants to the Executive MBA program may apply for the Entrepreneurship Career Scholarship
  • A partial tuition scholarship awarded to students interested in pursuing or is currently in a career in entrepreneurship, either as a company founder or a member of management or in a related field such as venture capital or private equity.
  • Recipients must also maintain good academic standing throughout the duration of the program
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0.

Martin Bell Nonprofit Scholarship

  • Applicants who are employed by a nonprofit organization and have demonstrated progressive managerial experience within the nonprofit sector and created a positive impact both in their workplace and community may apply for the Martin Bell Scholarship.

How to Apply:

To apply for the scholarship, the applicant can submit an online application through the given link:

Supporting Documents:

Martin Bell Nonprofit Scholarship

  • Application includes completion of EMBA Admissions Process and
  • A 500-word essay detailing- how the applicant will use an MBA degree to advance the nonprofit industry

Nonprofit Leadership Career Scholarship

  • Submit an essay- Essays must be no longer than 500 words.Submit an essay discussing your professional experience in nonprofit leadership, as well as your career interest, by identifying professional topic areas you would like to explore and related potential career paths. Describe any nonprofit leadership courses you have taken, including your continued interest in the topics covered.
  • Provide a confidential letter of recommendation sent directly from your recommender) with the subject line “Executive MBA Nonprofit Leadership Career Scholarship.”

Entrepreneurship Career Scholarship

  • Submit an essay- Essays must be no longer than 500 words. Submit an essay discussing your interest in entrepreneurship or a related field and any relevant experience. Professional experience with entrepreneurial ventures or related entities should be included as well.
  • Provide a confidential letter of recommendation sent directly from your recommender) with the subject line “Executive MBA Nonprofit Leadership Career Scholarship.”

Submitting Details:

  • Essay should be e-mailed with the subject line “Martin Bell Nonprofit Scholarship” to
  • Nonprofit Leadership Career Scholarship and Entrepreneurship Career Scholarship: Essays and Letters should be e-mailed (have letter of recommendation sent directly from your recommender) to

The Executive MBA Scholarships

Financial Aid and Award Money:

  • Each Entrepreneurship Career Scholarship recipient will engage in a customized program of work through Center for Advanced Entrepreneurship activities and programs based on their level of experience and professional goals.
  • Activities may include participation in a formal mentorship program with a successful entrepreneur or investor, completion of the Entrepreneurial Scholar of Distinction Program or other immersive experiences.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline is Monday, June 19, 2017.  This scholarship is only offered one time per year.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have any questions, contact Admissions office at 407-646-2405 or via email at

A man with glasses and a bald head is smiling while wearing a suit and patterned tie, standing outdoors with greenery in the background, exuding an air of confidence about him.
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